... and came back with the attitude that I need to get ... is overlooked). Having a positive attitude about the test, finding ways ... ), and keeping a "can do" attitude will help you break past ...
If the author of passage B would have ... , unfairly? But the author knew this was a possible ... is the one that the author explicitly denies . ... it seems that the author understood what some of ... what misunderstanding did the author mean to target when ...
Llaima01, thanks so much for your ideas. Thinking about the questions in terms of "what does the author think" instead of "what is the passage trying to say" makes it much easier.
im in the same boat as you but only i love logic games. at first i used to curse them like crazy, but if you keep a positive attitude on them, you'll begin to like them. as for speed, im still trying to figure that one out myself...
So, in weakening questions, the author has left his analysis/theory incomplete. With that incomplete theory, he goes on to make a strong conclusion. Hence, there is no reason to believe that the conclusion is supported by the theory.