Has anyone else had or resolved a problem playing the logic games explanations from the android app?I had hoped to be able to watch them on my phone instead of just the computer, but they won't play.
... did. My videos do not play and it seems is across ... board. I was unable to play the video on Quiz 3 ... videos, and they don't play either. This morning too. Thanks ...
I'm new here, so could someone please tell me how I can create a syllabus on the website just for LG? That's what I am using the platform for and would be very grateful for instructions.
... while. Should we complete the syllabus linearly or can we jump ... in the formatting of the syllabus, after almost EVERY logical reasoning ... the very outset of the syllabus?
... whether the study schedule or syllabus option is best. I have ... just been going though the syllabus every day and while its ... to just go through the syllabus or should I abide by ...
Hey, I was wondering is it better to do the problem stems in the syllabus with unlimited timing or with the time they give you (usually 6:40min)? (For LR specifically)
... working my way through the syllabus top to bottom, completing every ... the next one on the syllabus.
Should I be taking ... Tests more spread throughout the syllabus? Am I okay to skip ...