... have to describe exactly why an answer choice was wrong and ... .
Now, i never do an LR section without blind reviewing ... me to jump from like 10 untimed to 0 untimed. I wasn't ...
... individual sections and review concepts from the course (especially for weaknesses ... simulated PT (5 sections = 4 from a recent PT + 1 section froman old PT). I ...
... am with you on learning from RC! I want to ... yet. However, there is an aspect of the test that ... m just saying this is an option. I can remember ... learned a lot about myself fromtaking the time to study ... physical fitness fall off. From pulling all nighters and only ...
... that he/she was takingan exam in December since ... on what has been taking most of your time. ... a lot when selecting an answer? Do you overthink ... material! This is obvious from your blind review score. ... the correct answer in an efficient manner. Perhaps also ...
... I chose to withdraw from the test before taking it for the ... good link to an explanation of withdrawing/canceling/an absence. Hope it ... -advice/cancelling-the-lsat-vs-taking-an-absence/
Use the next month to go through the curriculum. Stay away fromtakingPT's and watch all the videos. I'd supplement the cambridge drilling packets from the beginning.!
I would type notes from the lesson and record myself ... on my way to and from work I would listen ... need to know before taking my first PT. I also had ... me to pull out the PT I took the day ... I had to prevent myself fromtaking a nap while I studied ...
... helpful. You mentioned you are takingan hour per game; you have ... those close to but separate from the explicit rules. (I ... helpful to visually separate rules from inferences in case I get ... />
Next: Get a pink highlighter, an orange highlighter, and a yellow ...
I'm talking about the Misc Category from 7Sage for example PT 40 S1 Q10, Q15. I see now that I can just figure out the type myself. Like Q10 is something like an Identify the Disagreement type.
... space should no longer be an issue on upcoming LSAT exams ... . This way, when you're takingan officially administered LSAT exam, you ... />
What I've learned from 7Sage is that it's ...
Just have a friend be the proctor in return for a meal. And you can get a 5-section PT (the experimental pulled froman earlier PT) from Cambridge for $9-10ish.
... agreed. I usually caution people from going into PTs but it ... done nearly everything you can from a general perspective and now ... done by taking a full PT as a diagnostic and go from there ... all depend on the results from your PT.
The thing that REALLY improved my endurance was doing full 5-section PT's. Since I had some money to spare, I bought pre-arranged 5-section PT's from Cambridge for about $9-10 apiece. They put in a section froman older PT into the selected 4-section PT.
Take another PT. If timing was an issue when it hadn ... when it comes to taking PTs, which is perfectly ... t be simulated without taking a full PT. Every single time ... you take a PT you should be taking stock of ... caused quite a struggle for an LR section. These are ...
... sets of each was not an issue. But when they were ... the scale of a real PT is something entirely alien, and ... to wherever he came from by tackling more PT's (sorry for ...
... Kim's insistence on taking PTs while you are ... the point of taking those timed PT's is to put ... has never stepped down from its throne and spake ... I suffered by doing extra PT's "prematurely" (according ... . I like takingPT's, and if taking some occasionally while ...
The PT folder has every PTfrom 36-74 (I bought ... help someone on an old PT question and scored an empty test ... but those will be an add on or another ... well. And I grabbed an early 10 actual LSATs book ... to the changes as an ultimate user so I ...
My first PT was only 3 points over ... felt deflated too. My second PT was 5 points higher and ... comfortable range. Taking a full PT is a lot different from doing timed ...