... reveal their real names in PS?
In fact I forgot ... />
Also, how gramatically strict PS should be?
I read ... some PS but some sound poetic like ...
... />
I'm finishing up my PS and optional essay, and I ... two are pretty connected. My PS (on the topic of why ... not I should reference my PS in my optional essay? And ... to what extent? My PS talks about how I worked ...
... 't it be interpreted as biconditional? S /Y as in S ... the in-out games, a biconditional in this a grouping game ... interpret the rule as a biconditional?
Hi guys, I'm going through the biconditional part of the curriculum. Im wondering, for the Or, but not both biconditional, why don't we just write it out like this A -> /B and B->/A, that way you can link it up as well if a chain comes up?