Hi! I was wondering howdoyou flag questions while doing Preptests so that you can come back to them later? There are so many options on the upper side I am kinda confused.
So I signed up for the August LSAT and have decided to push it back to October, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get get the coupon for the Ausgust flex. Can anyone help?
JY suggests that sometimes we should cut a question out, keep it, and review it every so often.
So howdoyoudo it? doyou create a excel sheet for it or you create your problem set on 7 sage?
I’m taking the November test. Yesterday the May 2020 LSAT-flex came up in the LawHub.
I’m going to take it in a week or so. Let’s blindreview this test together.
I am supposed to take my LSAT on Wednesday but I have a family emergency and have to cancel and take in January instead. I am fine to loose the $200. Howdo I cancel?
... would like to know howdoyou dissect the principles of ... focus is solely on how to dissect the principles ... about it that they do well, parents should encourage ... their children to do so.
B- ... children do so.
... . Started at PT 50 to do a game section a day ... leave before April's LSAT, how many doyou typically take, in terms ... leading up to your test? Howdoyou space them apart?
I want to re-do all of the Logical Reasoning ... each question type. As I do this, I will take notes ... this and if so howdoyou schedule this review in your study schedule ...