@jdawg113 thank you. I guess I'll just work on it and if I feel I've exhausted 7Sage's methods, and I still can'tget a good handle on it (maybe 3-4 wrong a section), I'll get the LSAT Trainer.
... even if you believe you can tap out potential, it ... can destroy this test so do everything in your power to get ... score you KNOW you canget to go to whatever ... ("I need to get a 170," "I can'tget another 161," "OMG ... condition your mind to get past even the most ...
... for those students who can't afford the test or ... students who are poor and can'tget the necessary prescriptions/certified ... reasons, perhaps an individual can send individual financial records on ... fact have a disability but can't seek medical recourse for ...
... like Wachtell and Cravath wouldn't even consider hiring someone at ... are necessary. While not everyone canget an offer at an elite ... , UVA, or Cornell (etc.) grad can'tget a job at an average ... that firms would kill to get a Yalie to work there ...
... law-and-literature movement, you can come up with a little ... to the questions, you don't need to worry about memorizing ... little pictures, and if you can'tget the questions based on that ... />
This method isn't perfect. I still get like 4 wrong each ...
I sometimes skip over the parallel questions because they can take some time. I also skip a game if I can'tget a grasp of it quickly. During the actual test I didn't skip any questions and just blazed through.
... them personally but I don't think their use is indefensible ... types. You should get them all, if you can, for practice purposes ... , three months of prep isn't going to fix 15 years ... not to say that you can'tget some useful advice to guide ...
From some anecdotal evidence I've seen on TLS it seems they're more willing to throw money at super splitters than most other schools, so if I can'tget in ED and secure that 50k a year I'm hoping I can still negotiate something for living expenses.
HAH. Had never listened to this one before (I've always gone straight to @"J.Y. Ping" for the sweet sweet soothing sounds) but I think I gotta use it now. Can'tget TOO serious about this beloved crap. For real tho.
... consultation so that you can decide if they can help you and ... apps open up. If you can'tget a hold of someone on ... services and then y'all can set up a time.
... -4 hours and you just can'tget any more information in, then ... dealing with concentration issues that can be helped with meds. Doctors ... has to study but just can't focus more than a short ... techniques.
... to them so I don't see the point in ... about it. Also I don't really see the point in ... if you can'tget a job or if you can only get terrible jobs ... that you wouldn't like or ... that would not help get you to ...
... , on most days. That doesn't sound that bad, but I ... -7. Other days I don't study early and just stay ... quality of it. If you can'tget into it at 9 or ... 10, don't waste your energy. Hope this ...
... job, but he can't apply for family reasons right now. But what ... job? Just because they don't want it more than josh ... not mean that they don't want the job. I guess ... because Manfred doesn't want it, doesn't mean there's not ...
Yes, you should definitely take the newest tests. All of them up to PT 74 are still available as pdfs at everylsat.com. You can also gethard copies, including PT 75, on Amazon.
... 4th passage and so couldn'tget to some questions. i have ... the retakes, but i can't believe them as i feel ... score well in 35 mins can become much easier on ... if that means that i can'tget to my target on the ... />
@lschoolgo I don't think you can gauge how you'll ...
i'm assuming you've already paid for the Dec Lsat ? Which means you can'tget a refund as of prob now, def retake it, you paid for it already and chances are, you WILL do better. Do what you gotta do, its YOUR score. IMHO
mimimimi, are you talking about the "leader" question where one person had to be leader, or a different one? I cleared my brain but I had two LG sections, I can't remember all the games...
I still can'tget over how people show up without any pencils. And that the proctors ask people "Does anyone need a pencil?. I mean really? You didn't bring even 1?