... to get 170s. If you can'tget 170 with unlimited time, how can ... for me, and I ain't no dummy! And I've been ... long time now. And I ain't earned the prize yet ... sounds like you do too. And that's ok. Believe ... this test.
I can't really comment about the ... get into, but, if you think you can score better (and you can ... re eager to get this exam over with andget into the ... building. This also can't be healthy and will for sure result ... sufficient for you to get scoring in the mid ...
... said:
not advised to get LOR's from anyone who ... />
Not advised doesn't mean can't be done and done well in a ... I constantly irritated, so don't listen to me ;)
... finish the 4th passage and so couldn'tget to some questions. ... the retakes, but i can't believe them as i feel ... and i am not sure if that means that i can'tget ... />
@lschoolgo I don't think you can gauge how you'll ... 's your target score and what have you been ...
... money is sufficient to get a better score. ... necessarily with ill intentions) and applied (again, not ... 't fair. That doesn't mean you can't saddle up and ... fighting chance. And if we can remove the discriminatory ... />
These things MAY get you far. You're ...
... the walls so that they can'tget over. Many of these people ... and come with the attitude of, "If I did it why can't ... can't be overcome is also to lie but lets be real and ... on inherently racist, classist, and colonialist believes and the law school process ...
i'm assuming you've already paid for the Dec Lsat ? Which means you can'tget a refund as of prob now, def retake it, you paid for it already and chances are, you WILL do better. Do what you gotta do, its YOUR score. IMHO
... up, get a mediocre score, get into a mediocre school and try to ... school, having awful job prospects, and a ton of debt. Having ... a huge debt load and not being able to pay ... people go $200k in debt andcan'tget a job that pays more ...
Thank you for the quick and informative response. The main problem ... timing, I can'tget to the last reading passage and the last game ... i do take the exam and perform well, will it be ...
I still can'tget over how people show up without any pencils. And that the proctors ask people "Does anyone need a pencil?. I mean really? You didn't bring even 1?
... just take the test and move on and we can turn to people ... don'tget a vote". We have people that run amazing webinars and ... BR groups and record them for people who can'tget on ...
... to be that "Folktales don't lack deeper meaning." If we ... and there wouldn't be an assumption gap to fill, so we can't ... assume that and answer choice A can't be right. It doesn't clearly ... /wisdom. Your second assumption isn't valid.
... , I found that I didn'tget a concept. Instead of procrastinating ... option. I get frustrated and stressed when I don'tget something, and once I ... anything except water (strange right), so coffee and tea are out of ...
... , but nobody can be a pig andget 3 hotdogs for ... can't be first and third at the same time, you can't ... be in Portland and Boston at the same time, it can't ... be both winter and summer, if ... has a fountain, it can't have a playground (one ...
Hi @emgeesea you can't use hired and interviewed as interchangeable because not ... up badly in their interview and don'tget the job.
All ... , the rule doesn't trigger.
So, you can't link those two ... K got the job, and we don't know that.
Fh ...
What @"Cant GetRight" and @"Ron Swanson" said. Taking the ... career, a year won't make any difference at all. ... thorough BR, 35+/- PTs and the help of this group ... PTs were 170 and 172.
Don't settle for a ... what you want. But don't take it in June.
... you don't support/like] is making the arguments. And every concept ... not strong on and every question i don'tgetright, i was outsmarted ... a fun game to play and helps keep me engaged.
... @"Cant GetRight" and @stepharizona got you covered. Return to the curriculum and relearn ... again to ensure that you can do them under timed pressure ...
... sections I got frustrated and just started filling in ... law school if I can't sit still and focus. Then I ... I just choose C and then went and had some pizza. ... to take it seriously and see where I am ... not get frustrated with this process because I know I can ...
@"Cant GetRight" and @Alejandro are correct. BR the ... - it's extremely important and should not be rushed. Some ... , some days you won't, but patience and consistency are key.
I think @"Cant GetRight" and I share the exact same ... />
From this, I wouldn't dive into PTs but would ... genuine understanding of the test and its foundational logic.
@Summer518 Yeah, @"Cant GetRight" and @montaha.rizeq nailed it on ... the questions/answers. It doesn't have any real strategy behind ... you have that, I wouldn't throw it to the curb ... . I know it isn't the most popular opinion, but ...
... unfortunate and your professor sounds like an ass, but I get his ... recommendations are the norm, and they don't seem to help much ... no other choice. I just can'tget over the fact he said ... know you? If you canget someone to get on the phone with ...