Good luck everyone, you can message me anytime before or after the test if you need to! And thanks again to @ChaimtheGreat @"Cant GetRight" and @NotMyName for taking the time to answer questions and sharing their stories. I love this community
... to get through the nerves and perform at your best. You canget ... You are clearly driven and passionate, and that means a lot. can'tget this next layer of anxiety ... seem achievable without self-destruction and panic attacks? If so, ...
wait can someone explain the curve? like if PS is predicting -10 curve does that mean everyone gets 10 points free? I don'tget it and had no idea there was possibility of a curve on the LSAT LOL
... ; @sagemunchkin said:
> wait can someone explain the curve? like ... points free? I don'tget it and had no idea there was ... />
Curve means how many you canget wrong and still score 170. A ... -10 curve means you canget 10 wrong and score a 170.
... for vengeance... but basically, I can'tget with the fact that some ... the rules of life don't apply to them. I also ... beds... my list goes on and on.
... I can find it, here it is:
"Don'tget overwhelmed, and don't ... overwhelm yourself mentally. Be sure to take breaks, and ... , hahahaha. Don't let things get you down because you can't see immediate ...
... m working on logic games and not missing any is ... did the problem sets and then did half of the ... the harder games to get accustomed to them but ... says and find inferences in the beginning. If I can’tget any ... answer on one question can lead to an inference on ...
... can'tget into the schools that I was planning to apply, and I ... wasn't planning on lowering my ... situations like this... but I can't do anything with lost time ... machine scanner was wrong and someone managed to get it hand-checked ...
I think that November is the clear winner here. If you have proven that you can score above a 160 on PT's and your goal score is a 162, I see no reason that you can'tget there by November. Just keep grinding and try to mitigate stress inducing factors.
... with a focus on equity and all that did is make ... me mad I didn't go to law school earlier ... and frustrated every day watching students around me feel like they can'tget ... family of law enforcement too and I know the system is ...
@lsat2016 I can’tget into too much detail, ... -represented minority). Humanities major, and background in human rights work ... chance according to LSN and got in to a ... top 3 school. And this person literally wrote the ... best PS and DS I’ve read. ...
... it's rare to get denied accommodations, then can't anyone just say ... , go to their primary doctor andget a note written from their ... doctor saying I have anxiety, and then LSAC just gives them ... curious to hear, if one can'tget through a 4 hour timed ...
Not an expert--haven't been to this law school. ... I've heard elsewhere, someone can'tget from the website. Bring a ... applying" is a common question. And maybe @LSATcantwin has time to ...
... go to their primary doctor andget a note written from their ... to hear, if one can'tget through a 4 hour timed ... accommodations and it’s super ableist. Some things that you can’t ... people with emotional disorders and personality disorders and health issues than ...
... really attractive answer choices. And for the questions that force ... I can'tget a good grasp of the main point and argument ... structure in 2 minutes.
Lol, neither can ... attractive answers in every passage. And if I'm lucky, ...
... two really attractive answer choices. And for the questions that force ... , I can'tget a good grasp of the main point and argument structure ... in the one you didn't circle in the future?
... have a 96 percentile, and using the calculators with ... you should go ahead and apply? And at what percentage is ... are below 10%. And if I can'tget into any, then ... that's just that. I don't ... my life in finance, and live contented that I ...
You can'tget an actual standard deviation number but you can see your lowest, highest, and average scores, so I think that you could calculate it yourself if you wanted to.
Nice work folks! If you can'tget the exact information on the ... ;F disclosure vague details, and didn't have questions from any schools ... not have documentation on them and they no longer appear on ... a side note to @NickIllini and @janea2018 (just in case you ...
... I think J.Y. and many other top scorers just ... took altogether 18 minutes and game 4 took me ... take on a game and be flexible. Most of ... you really can'tget much faster rushing through games 1 and 2. ... and 4 under 20 minutes. Just keep fool-proofing and you'll get ...
I personally can'tget over the $125 charge to ... new test. So completely unnecessary. And the CAS report fee is ... archaic compared to the GRE and other tests. Why not do ... it on already existing computers and many times per year? So ...
... difference between the 14th school and the 15th school is significant ... their graduates getting BigLaw positions, and a significant number end up ... or 14, 75% (or more) get BigLaw in NYC. SO the ... shot. That doesn't mean that you can'tget there without T14, but ...
... just focusing on LG and trying to smash it ... they don't require an LSAT mark and don't even require ... or a "short-cut," and honestly that's how I ... saying that if I can'tget in here then maybe ... Start making those connections and relationships so by the time ...
... said:
> @lsat2016 I can’tget into too much detail, but ... (over-represented minority). Humanities major, and background in human rights work ... percent chance according to LSN and got in to a top ... 3 school. And this person literally wrote the ...