In Canada one can apply, and send their documents to the school, and once you get your lsat score, your school will make an admission decision. Is the US like this, too, or do you need a score BEFORE you apply?
I am currently living in Utah, but would like to take a test in California for timing purposes. I have a Utah drivers License. Does anyone know if youcan take an LSAT out of state?
... anyone experienced this and how can I be more consistent? Most ... 1) lack of focus 2) you got easy sections 3) don ... take older tests. What do you think?
... testing region based upon where you are located when taking the ... test, or where you are from? Could I register ... take that test if I can't register for November. Ideally ... score), but know that I can do better (based upon my ...
... somewhere ED and get rejected, can I re-apply in January ... with my new score? Would you recommend just applying in January ... application cycles.
For PT46 passage 2, only a picture of the video is displayed. I tried several times to refresh the page, and still couldn't view the video. Canyou please help me to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
I just got home after taking the lsat. After 4 months of preparation, the test is finally over. Thank God:) But i can't can't really tell if I did well. For some reason I am feeling very insecure. Is anyone having the same feeling?
Hey, Sarge, how do I send you a private email or direct message? Or canyou send one to me? This is strictly legit from an honorary tanker to a ???. I came across something you might find useful.
im looking to buy the starter package ($179) but ... the best materials. Canyou upgrade between packages when you're ready for ... the sum of costs if you do this approach?
... lessons. Did any of you guys actually buy the other tests that ... them? Which tests should I buy first? When I purchased the ... out what to purchase first. Canyou tell me what you purchased first?
I would like to buy the test and go over some of the harder questions. I saw that 7sage has posted video explanations for the LG. Has the test been released?