If you have already signed up and paid for the October test, is it possible to cancel that test time, and move it to December or February, or are you locked in once you're signed up?
No problem. You could also cancel and just register again when you feel ready. You'll take a hit financially but it's better than taking the test when you're not ready. Just my 2 cents.
I PTed every day leading up to the December 2014 test and ended up needing to cancel my score. I wouldnt recommend the everyday strategy as it can quickly cause burnout.
... last day you can can cancel your registration for the test ... score you want you should cancel your registration. If you think ... should take it and not cancel your score. If you take ... it and cancel your score, you're just ...
If you're so unsure about how you'll do in October that you've already decided to take it in December too, you should cancel your October registration. It doesn't make sense to waste one of your takes.
Like I said, I would take it since I've paid for it and to get the extra experience of taking a real exam and cancel my score. I feel like that is more beneficial than just not going to the exam. Either way I'm probably going to take December.