Hey guys,
What are your thoughts on score preview? Can law schools see if you cancel your score? I don't know if I want to spend **even more** money on LSAC stuff! But if it really is beneficial, I think I'll look into it for my October test.
I'm averaging around -5 to -7 on Logical Reasoning and I really feel like I'm stuck score wise. I notice that some people swear by Translations and CLIR drills, can anyone give their thoughts on these two drills?
so I definitely feel like I did worse on the Oct LSAT than the sept LSAT. Would it be smart to purchase score preview and cancel that score or should I keep it? How would law school view a lower score vs a canceled score?
Hi! Im taking a month or two off studying, and I wanted to "cancel" my membership for those two months. Does anyone know if I will lose all of my test data if i cancel for two months and renew in January?
I registered the exam on Feb but I feel I am not prepared for it and kinda wanna cancel it. Will the schools I will apply know that I cancelled and never took a test?
Due to illness, we will have to cancel today's Sufficient Assumption Analysis with Henry. Join the class again on Tuesday to continue the discussion on assumption and principle questions!