Was wondering because I am doing the course and also using LRB and LGB, but I want to make things simpler. What is your opinon J.Y., and others as well?
October is 3 months away from now. While we can take as many prep-tests as possible to keep our mind sharp, we cannot do one set every day. What do you guys do on days that you are not practicing Prep-tests? Doing problem sets? Or reviewing?
... you entering law school right about now, you already know that ... />
We plan to sell the course for $197. But, for the ... 'll have to complete the course.
... October exam taking place in about 2 weeks time.. and after ... of no use if your mind is wandering off to the ... requires a clear and rested mind. And from my experience, burnout ...
Art passages in RC give me the most trouble, and I want to become more comfortable with these. Can anyone recommend websites that have articles about art that are at the LSAT's level of reading?