... , taking a full day to blindreview, and working through what I have ... , work through the harder questions and help keep each other accountable ...
... way to approach LR, and a full LR section! ... A Systematic Approach
- Taking BlindReview (andreview in general!) a step further ... LR section, taking questions, and talking through my approach. If ... with the same password. Thanks, and see you soon!
... down to bridging the gapbetween the conclusion and premise its gets kind ... problems that have a conclusion and premise that takes up about ... am I suppose to shorten and diagram it ??
... br />
Premise: The same ingredients and processes were used to make ... things are made similarly and with the same ingredients ... my practice test andblindreviewand still missed on blindreview (I typically ... was overall quite terrible and there were *many* ...
... remember everything he says and all the right answers. ... doing the game, and not just going through ... in their foolproofing period, and in the game the ... games maybe twice after blindreviewand still feel like I ... Does that make sense? And if so, does anyone ...
... first time scored 154, and the second time 155. My ... the low 160 range and I have used up ... I've been doing blindreviewand have studied for almost a ... need your help, guidance, and suggestions on how I should ... for the August LSAT and maybe thoughts on whether ...
... questions are getting harder and harder and I’m not quite ... out don’t understand sometimes and I always eliminate down ... negate very well). I always blindreviewand watch the explanation videos but ... were my worst and I drilled and drilled and now I get ...
... ) when I go back and forth between two answer choices I always ... when they are going back and forth between the right answer choice ... referential phrases, identifying the gapbetween the premise and the conclusion, analyzing why ...
... was practicing some LR and RC questions and came across a few ... up just guessing an answer and moving on. I then looked ... definition later when doing the BlindReviewand got the correct answer. and move on to possibly come ...
... complete a prep test, do blindreview, and then watch the explanation videos ...
7. Keep studying LR and RC until you have a ... , really
8. For LR and RC, be merciless with time ... you find hard, and redo them again and again until you master ...
... to actually do the PT, blindreviewand then review with answers. Usually for ... spend 2x the time on blindreviewand about 2x more to make ... this can't be right and it's super low ... something wrong here? Please advise and any suggestions will be appreciated!
... chance to beat my high score. I took a total ... not to be. My score came back as a 171 ... off 3 weeks between the test and the score release, and the next ... day after getting my score ... all of my knowledge and feel a lot more ...
I for some reason cannot submit any of my drills to see the answers or do blindreviewand I am also missing the check marks to all my classes in the syllabus.
... -5 job, and do timed sections every day with review from 6 ... />
I’m new to 7Sage, and there are a variety of ... ’ve read the LSAT Trainer, and ran through LSAT Demon’s ... timed sections with blindreviewand watch all the explanations and take notes? #help
... the June 2024 LSAT, and apply for law school ... choices, WUSTL, SLU, and Mizzou (I’d have ... of STL as possible and have long commute). I ... practice tests are 146, 153, and 145.
... I diligently complete the blindreview, and watch explanation videos on ...
... you who have scored 170 and over on the LSAT, ... with the time and a half accommodations and get 2-3 ... more correct once I did blindreview, and I did that for every ... set, and wrote down why I got ... each question wrong and why the right answer ...
... , I've been studying on and off for over a year ... and have been consistently studying while ... time now drilling RC and LR, PTing, blindreview, and wrong answer journal.
... in 2023 without any studying and scored a 139. I recently ... took the same exam and another practice test and scored 149. Is ... up 10 points in both blindreviewand timed test. I'm not ... after doing the core curriculum and drills. The only section that ...
studying since may, hovering around 170-72 with blindreviewand 165-69 before. can comfortably finish a section in about 38-42 minutes and i am taking the september lsat.
This question kinda had me befuddled in my initial PT and my blindreview, and still I am struggling to understand the question after both. Any chance someone has a better idea of how we can arrive at the answer being C using the question stimulus?
... approach is to dwell on BlindReviewand isolate the type of ... question, I will review it meticulously in BlindReview. This has taken ... lot better untimed and then I try and ask myself why ... not breaking down the premises and conclusion correctly?