... revisit general background on those question stems, rewatch JY work ... It honestly depended on the question type. It took me ... how to approach a question type, and whatever relevant ... to that question (e.g. the different groupings for conditionallogic, the ...
... take advantage of the analytics (questiontypes and overall timing of the ... Loophole first and then a logic textbook) and my RC ... idea of having boats), the logic will become more apparent for ... Method' and Powerscore and a logic textbook popped up as references ...
... and target the specific LR questiontypes that have the highest "priority ... lessons that go with that question type. Specifically, I've ... it came to some basic logic and logical indicators, so it ... through some of the intro logic and invalid argument lessons.
Logic Games would be the easiest ... day focus on a specific Logic Game type. (By order of ... down each section into its questiontypes and drill, drill, drill. I ...
... three, one to condense 'logic & argumentation' (started ... source book), 'flaws,' and 'question type strategies' - this one ... source might explain a question type better than another. ... approach techniques for specific questiontypes - or reasoning in general ...
... more time to drilling questiontypes, fool proofing logic games, and practicing RC ... blind review. I review every question on the test and write ... stimulus as a cookie cutter logic format and try to find ...
... around the two pieces or conditionallogic and what game piece is ... />
Let’s take a MBT question from it, and put H ... in the spring triggers a conditional rule, and T is in ...
Old question, kind of old post, but ... stem might be dated, the question and strategy are not. You ... approach - this question clearly lends itself to mapping the conditionallogic - but just ...
... . engaging with each individual question as its own task. ... on missed questions and your question type strategies. ... translate a stimulus and conditionallogic without hesitation? Identify common ...
4. Skip when a question stalls your progress. Identify ...
... have benefits in describing the questiontypes and the LG book explains ... the rare game types more than 7sage does (7sage ... , as I've heard that logic games is typically the easiest ... of all games and all questiontypes and how to approach them ...
... in and really identify the questiontypes and work those, as well ... to fool proof some more Logic games and really make sure ... nail the theory behind each question. Not alone and we’ll ...
... at identifying these errors in conditionallogic, however when they are ... was stuck on the third question which was a mistaken ... I was stuck on this question for 2 minutes when I ... one where immediately jumping into conditionallogic can hinder you. Just think ...
... LR section. Depending on what questiontypes appear, and the degree of ... that seemed like straight forward logic but even when I made ... with my friend who TAs logic she couldn't figure it ... redacted! I had the same logic games, nerves certainly make your ...
... foundation of arguments and logic before delving into questiontypes. But if you ... 've done through the Advanced Logic section), you can do LG ...
... think you can just use questiontypes from the earlier tests to ... -a-perfect-score-on-the-logic-games/). I printed out a ... only so many variations of logic games questions they can throw ... to learn the different game types.
... game? Or ones that are logicheavy or? Is it the game ... ? sequencing? grouping? All of the types I mentioned have common inferences ... trend you can grind those types of games. Keep fool proofing ... making inferences a lot of logic games is repetition and exposure ...