possibly chimpanzee was in 2nd section, too many questions I couldnot focus. the first section I did not manage to finish it, perhaps the 3rd section LR we were able to speed up faster and get as many questions knocked down
... be true that dinosaurs were not extinct before that asteroid ... br />
This temporality is not required for conditional statements. Take ... necessary condition meaning that A couldnot have caused B.
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That's not to say that that a ...
... a reaction in some but not others but that all cats ... cats.
D is not supported anywhere because we never ... right on Blind Review. I couldnot for the life of me ... point. Enter Powerscore (they are not a perfect resource, but some ...
@levonm7 are you talking about question 4 in 'Quiz – Advanced Premise & Conclusion Identification 1'? I couldnot see what the author's argument was - I only saw the argument of state researchers.
Well I ordered it thoroughly Barnes and t turns out the aren’t going to deliver on time. I couldnot find it on Amazon prime. The only person offering it has a 1month delivery schedule. Oh well... at least I am already in my top 2 ☺️🍾🎉
LR was not too bad, but I was thrown off by an early question, I remember exactly it was #2 because I couldnot believe I was struggling with QUESTION 2!!!! It was related to medical residents, anyone else have thoughts on this one?
... ; > > > LR was not too bad, but I was ... it was #2 because I couldnot believe I was struggling with ... was experimental, but unfortunately its not.