They key is to understand why 4 are wrong, and 1 is right. You might memorize the answer but I you know why 4 are wrong, and 1 is're doing it right!
167 will be hard by dec... Give it about 6-7 PTs before you really know where you stand. I will predict your avg will be around 158-161.... The next jump will be the hardest thing you ever do... Patience is the key
Yeah I'm generally a really good test taker and don't get nervous or anything but today I was so low key it bordered on boredom hahah... The ants crawling on my answer sheet kept me entertained though...
... Really deconstructing the stimuli was key for me. On these types ... write a parallel argument and answer that matches exactly the actual ... LSAT question and answer. This has helped me ... to read, understand, and answer correctly. I had no reason ...
... with students, then adopt. The key to this question, though, is ... />
This leads us to answer choice E: if the policy ... . Thus, E is the correct answer: PF-->US-->Adopt ...
... not want to pick an answer that makes a flawed argument ... are simply looking for an answer that must be true according ... is the key. There should be no doubt if the answer you ...
... the premises are true. Specifically, answer D explains why deciding which ... then you could eliminate that answer (because it would render that ... of questions.
The key to doing well on Weaken ... to consider, the correct answer could seem to come out ...
... , which is lower than my Dec '14 exam (164). I also ... 'd want to take the Dec test again because I'm ... />
I know the popular answer around here is burnout. But ... ?! I want to take the Dec test so can't afford ...
Yes, process of elimination is key! I don't know if ... to look for the correct answer, of course. Know very well ... wrong, and why the correct answer is right, and you will ...
... takes me so long to answer the questions.... I don't ... "see" the correct answer by looking at choices and ... recommended slowing down to make key inferences come easier. And I ...
... rely on prior work to answer the questions. I certainly think ... up the inferences is the key to LG mastering/essential for ... passage and all of the answer choices, which has been immensely ... here as more likely to answer it quickly.
We want an answer that contradicts the stimulus, not ... . That, I think, is the key point you’re having difficulty ... no restriction, which makes this answer irrelevant to the above principle.
Yea, that's not really an answer to my question... If the tests are equated prior to test day (via experimental sections), WHY are are the Dec tests consistently more forgiving?
... PayRaise-->SoldSubsidiaries. The correct answer was simply. "the unions ... t feel secure. Correct answer bridges that shift between feeling ... challenging to see the key chain that needs triggering ... or the key shift that needs bridging. ...
... hissing sound?" The right answer will always answer this question. We are ... to answer the question. What is important is that you key in ... on how to answer the above question ... could be an answer to initial question; this answer indicates that ...
... that when you choose your answer you have confidence in it ... a 100% confident about their answer choice. If you are 90 ... and not rushing are the key takes here in my humble ...