... by your diagnostic score. Depending on what your weaknesses are, you ... ). The answer to this question dependson a couple of variables: on than RC/LR.
2 ...
i have a prescription, and my doctor advised me to not take it often, and space out the dosage. i personally find that helpful compared to taking it daily. I'd suggest to talk to you doctor and it dependson your dosage/mg
plenty... dependson determination/effort, only time will tell. I would try to study almost every day (day off here and there) and you will give yourself a solid chance and a solid score
Usually you add your PT answers to the 7Sage sheet after you've BR. Some people like to add their answers first to see their score and then BR. It dependson what you think works best for you.
If you are aiming to score 160 or higher then NOOO, stop taking PTs. So it really dependson what your goal is. However, assuming it's 160+ you should be in the 170s when you blind review. You need to go back to the fundamentals
... If you're still uncertain on anything? Watch the videos ... have a reallyyy strong grasp on the fundamentals should you ... I'd recommend focusing more on 7Sage and the Trainer, ... the Cambridge packs. It really dependson personal preference.
... underline pretty much every word on the LSAT. 99% of people ... the material. It all just dependson the person. Underlining in select ... to rely less and less on mapping. In the long run ...
... or problem sets. But it dependson you! When I score high ... on my PTs I have unlimited ... to-do list every day on what I must accomplish. I ... try to only get these on maybe 2 or 3 days ... I'm kind of hooked on those things lol.
@geniaguez It really dependson your individual goals. Do you ... constraints when the pressure is on. It wasn't clear whether ... date. I would hold off on any decision until closer to ...
... sure how to advise you on that. 7Sage teaches us to ... the stimulus and guides us on what we need to look ... the question stem. It really dependson what works best for you ...