This is probably a dumb question - but I've been studying ... tests book form), photocopying them and doing the questions on the ... of workspace. Is there a differencebetween how the 10 New Preptests ...
... for the Fall 2017 cycle and I am having a bit ... (reach, target, and safety). My question is, what is the differencebetween the three ... , but what about the GPA and LSAT medians? Would a reach ...
... is to implement skipping strategies and those concepts have helped elevate ... & have a level 1 question in the midst of a ... ranking of difficulty for every question for PT 62, PT 63 and previously ...
... do is note those question numbers and try to "blind" ... for improvement the differencebetween 172 and 174 or between 172 and 177? Am ... during the test and circle every question I have even ... second time. Complex stimuli andquestion stems become way easier to ...
... other parts of the stimulus/ passage. In the previous LSATs, ... understand the meaning and still get the question right most of ... wrong because it contains unfamiliar and "not sounding right" language. ... a very precise pre-phrase and looked for certain wordings. ...
... explain the differencebetween the main point of a passageand a passage's purpose ... understand that the passage's purpose answers the question "Why is the ... me, the answer to that question seems to be the main ...
I took the past Dec and Feb test to squeeze ... I left so many points and law schools on the ... another option to take it and still apply early. If ... />
But knowing even a difference of 2 extra points could ... a huge impact of schools and financial aid, I'm ...
... guys, I have trouble distinguishing between the so called 'pseudo sufficient ... vs. a regular sufficient assumption question. Can someone please explain or ...
... lately about the difficulty of PT 83,84 and 85. I ... but nonetheless: this raises a question, if the newer exams are ... differences? The answer to this question is usually something like: ... getting used to the subtle differencebetween exams.
... conclusion is true. And I thought the SA question types are the ... />
But over and over, from JY and others, I hear the ... the gap between the premise and the conclusion" in the NA question expls ...
... with this passage. In particular, I have trouble understanding the differencebetween studies ... there are two opposing views and one shouldn't commit a ... the case.
PLEASE ... as I am reviewing the passage it does a lot ... the conclusion when the previous question had the sentence "what ... />
How can I differentiate between the premise and conclusion if it has ...
... it's a particularly complicated passage with 2 ideas/views/theories ... the right place in the passage quickly, esp for paragraph references ... m actually solving a new questionand not reviewing. I set a ... 30 seconds can be the differencebetween -0 vs. -4
< ...
I've signed up for the November LSAT but haven't done any PTs in the 80s recently (I did 83 and 84 a long time ago). So for I'm only up to PT 77. Are there any noticeable differences between these two sets?
... question because otherwise you do risk your score being Annihilated. The differencebetween ... strategy both basic and advanced for all Game/ Passageand LR Question types. These ... where a seemingly difficult passage has easy questions and vice versa. If ...
... you just cannot decide between D and E. You’re down ... position of having to choose between 2 equally temping answer ... Often times the gap between the premise and conclusion is the key ... other, and how that difference RELATES BACK TO THE STIMULUS ANDQUESTION AT ...
... which varies in difficulty not only by passage type, passage subject but also ... is dependant on juggling between being precise and being decisively quick. LG ... section having completed every game andquestion you can be fairly confident ...
... much been all over and I am really struggling ... on closing the gap between timed PTs and BR? I plan ... to focus on drilling question types I am particularly ... . Feeling a little bummed and worried that a 10+ ... Thanks for any help, and apologies if this is a ...
Hi can somebody help me out with this question, there is no explanation available and I don't really understand the differencebetween answer choices D and E. Thanks
What's the differencebetween different days? Like I ... there's an increase in difficulty? This is a huge ... information and I'd really appreciate any information on the difference ... in test experiences between the days. Otherwise ...
The question premise states that the mission ... a non-zero differencebetween the distance of Earth-Mars and the distance ... to the discrepancy in the passage. In fact, the language seems ...
... hard time distinguishing the differencebetween two question types' question stems. To me, they ... seem to have the same question ... stem except PSA question stems has word "justify?" and Principle ...
I'm having difficulty distinguishing *"either or"* ... CC and immediately ran into confusion with the question 1 ... br />
*Contrapositive: /MC and /SFO → /10kg+*
If ... really hammer home and flesh out the differencebetween inclusivity vs. exclusive ...
... is about PT5 S5 Q15 and really any other questions ... />
The first interpretation of the question can be paraphrased like this ... that Q's response supports and also counters the evidence ... DP.)_
The differencebetween the two structures is pretty ...