@"Dillon A. Wright" lol my bad... hadn't checked in a while since my package has expired :D its still there with the free package though so should have looked for it there :P
Awesome!!!... look forward to seeing you on the other side @"Dillon PG" It will have no bearing apart from the fact that it will show them that you are really considering them. That would be a positive imo.
Sorry for not responding sooner! I had to work a 12 hour shift and knocked out when I got home! Thank you @"Nilesh S" @nicole.hopkins @LSATisland @blah170blah @emli1000 and @"Dillon A. Wright" :D! Also, congrats @blah170blah :D! Keep it up!
I love that show! I've been following Donald Glover since his YT days (even though the gif doesn't have Donald Glover in it hehe) I miss Troy :(! @"Dillon A. Wright"