Hey! So, I was wondering is there a length requirement or suggested length for personal statement letters? mine is almost two pages long, is that too long?
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I've had my personal statement proofread by 3 individuals (two ... firm) and they love the statement but have trouble with the ... " at the beginning of my statement.
I haven't seen any kind of limit on length for these. Do you guys think that will be okay? I know personal statements are supposed to be 2-3 pages double spaced, so this will still be about half of the size.
Does the personal statement necessarily need to be focused on a recent moment in our lives? Could we talk about an event that happened before college, as long as it references a hobby that you intermittently do to this day?
... . I have the "qualified professional" statement ready to go, but is ... to also send my own statement ("Candidate Statement of Need") as well ... to write a decent candidate statement? Many thanks!
... say we have the conditional statement "If I go to the ... />
Then I have the statement "Even if I go to ... , so I believe all this statement is really saying is that ...
... schooling). This presents a personal statement quandary for applicants like myself ... a lot of the personal statement resources offered throughout the internet ...