... the lessons and listened to all of the videos. I tend ... 10 clean copies of the problemsets they give us in the ... drill hard enough on the problemsets that they give us per ...
... a mechanism for analytics within problemsets. I would find this very ... the Analytics page within my problemsets, since that's where the ... . Is there a way to do this that I'm missing??
I am wondering if people are taking the time to fool proof the problemsets (10x+) and game board setup example questions? I feel like I should be fool proofing wherever possible, but I also recognize the time commitment. Any thoughts?
I see many people always mention they doone section of the test, Blind review it, and then check their answers, I'm unsure on how I can do this on 7sage?
... LR, LG, or RC chosen at random, will the 7Sage prep ... the problemsets? At present, it looks like problemsets can only be built for one ... section type at a time.
... . I have been studying for at least an hour (almost) everyday ... finally graduated and have more time, it’s been more like ... do a few problemsets! I also NEVER do timed problemsets because this is the time ...
Hi everyone, I'm making problemsets & forgot to add 1 question into the set. Does this mean I have to create the set all over again? Is there a button that would allow me to just edit and add 1 question instead of having to start from 0? Thanks
... thus am completing problemsets. I noticed that the problemsets don't have ... why this is? I actually do like listening to J.Y ... 't videos are the prob sets.
Hey, I was wondering is it better to do the problem stems in the syllabus with unlimited timing or with the time they give you (usually 6:40min)? (For LR specifically)
Should all of the problemsets within a module of the CC be completed before moving on? Or should I work through them until I'm comfortable and save the rest for drilling later?
... worth my time to doall of the problemsets in a ... given unit, or should I do ... a few problemsets and move on ... if I do too many problemsets and waste time that could ... it is important to doall of the questions. Any ...
... see my previous problemsets, as in problemsets that I've ... to be able to do this, but as of ... able to. What was ProblemSets is called Drills now. ... to review my exisitng problemsets, there's an Auto ... Is the review existing problemsets feature no longer a ...
Hi everyone, I was just wondering which practice tests are used to make the current problemsets in the syllabus? Is it Pts 1 - 45 or practice tests 1 - 35? Thank you all :)
... the correct "weaken" answer will doone of the following: 1) introduce ... strengthen lessons today and will do the problemsets tomorrow. Hopefully with a ... does it help when you do a bunch of tests? Because ... September.