... need to do 2 full PTs in a week. Since you're ... the BR process. As you get better, you should be circling fewer ... circle any questions, you don't need to watch that video. Same with ... RC. If you are watching ...
... , I would do 5 PT of new games every morning and note ... in my note book. Watch the video explanation and then redo only ... redo those games, I would do them untimed and draw all ...
... on LG will give you the most improvement. Here ... not I check answer and watchvideo right a way. I ... still struggle with, I watch the video again, redo one ... with lightening speed buy you more time for those ... the only section I BR every question, not just the ...
... the number of games I do per day. Honestly, it ... advice!
@Smorph0u0 You make it sound so easy ... did it only take you about a week to FP ... takes me, then I watch the video. I always feel like ... . Is that what you mean, or should I do something else?
... Is it because you had seen the video explanation, memorized ... every item, circling floaters, pushing out inferences with each new rule? Doyou ... read rules multiple times? Doyou cross the ... of the game? Doyou strategically eliminate/skip past ...
... Is it because you had seen the video explanation, memorized ... every item, circling floaters, pushing out inferences with each new rule? Doyou ... read rules multiple times? Doyou cross the ... of the game? Doyou strategically eliminate/skip past ...
... preface that I did not watch the video because I didn't ... for structures that will guide you to make good inferences, but ... condusive to progress if they do as the bioligists.
< ... br />
Question? - How do we go from preventing fraud ...
Doyouvideo-tape yourself? That could really help expose whether you spend ... passages. I bet once youwatchvideoyou'll be able to see ... to reduce that timing. Doyou spend a long time deliberating ... answer choices when you should be moving on? Doyou not know ...
... minutes here that you can shave off. Take a video of your ... other places. A video would kind of let you break down the ... to the passage for almost every inference question, because the answer ... second round review for RC? Doyou reread any passages? I usually ...
... move on without resetting my watchevery section.
User Interface ... stylus pen so all you had to do was rotate the thing ... right side. You could scroll the passage and do the questions one ... by one. OR you had an ...
... no big sparks of light. Watch JY's lessons on Blind ... concern should be doyou have the will to do it? See where ... of your situation then. Doyou really want to score 160 ... in each and every little part of it that you don't ...
... really affect the strategy you should approach in terms ... I think once you start viewing video footage that can ... />
You don't have to do it under 75 ... two. You don't have to get every single right ... , even if you're shooting ...
... some of the questions you didn't read an ... wanted to make sure you know that should never ... only should you read every answer choice, but for every question you should ... CC I decided to re-watch the videos about how ... right and wrong way to do it. There are 9 ...
... like the above in which youdo individual games using a stopwatch ... (rather than a timer). Do them as you're able to and ... minutes to do one game, that's okay! Then watch the video, as ...
... 7sage, you'll immediately pinpoint what YOU suck at. Then youwatch JY destroy ... question. Do that over and over and JY has video explanations of ... and math involvevd? Or doyou want to watch a master play the ...
... very likely given what you've just read. Do this before looking ... giving it your best, you can watch the video explanations and should flag ... the question so you can return ...
... split options you could have used more effectively. Then watch the video explanation ... the same inferences from the video explanation. Do the game again the ... next day. Do it again in a week ... tests you've taken. Just do them over and over until you are ...
... >
> And doyou have any advice for nailing ... wrong, before I watch the video I'll break the ... to J.Y.'s video explanations and timing markers. ... />
> I do have a question for you, because your drilling ... seem great. Are you using clean sections for ...
... 177+ and I still watch/read explanations for every question. Even on ... though. I also don't watch the explanations until I'm ... see where you are at.
I did not watch the video explanations for every question. For the majority of ... . If I was able to watch them, I only did for ... to study. If I watched everyvideo for every PT, I’m not ... how I studied and only do the things that benefited me ...
... label the stimulus parts, and do your best pre-phrase of ... but before looking up the video explanation try setting up the ... BR'd, watch the video explanations and star any questions you think are ... are things you missed or things unexplained in the video.
I watchevery question as well. I feel ... test in every section, every question.
JY’s video explanations have ... recommend people to do the same. I feel like every time I ... I could’ve implemented to do the question with more clarity ...
Every path is different. But almost ... third time you watched a video, or the 15th time you've worked ... out a game. You ... all the ways to do the question _wrong_, you could eliminate all ...
My advise is,
first you should finish Jy's LG ... copies of each game and do one timed and the other ... 't matter. if you make errors. watch his video and do the second copy.
... _why_ every answer is right and every answer is wrong. If you ... head into a desk. And youwatch the explanations over and over ... just like everyone said to do, and I started seeing the ... sense, you gain confidence. Once you're confident (because you know exactly ...
You might try spreading out your work - for instance, do your first run ... of the game, then watch the video, then do a second run, and ... rather than watching the video again ...
... - to negate an exclusive or you're saying that it's ... alone. If youwatch J.Y.'s truth table video on it it ... might make more sense but you're ... case, where you're saying that she will do both of those ...