Just broke 170 onaPT (174 BR), with -0 ... think I lose a lot of time on must be true ... each answer, making inferences based on its condition, eliminating it, ... test (-2 and -3 on RC/LR) with bombed LG ... , then rapid improvement on LG but still struggling with ...
I scored a 177 onaPT after being around the 160s for a while, but even after my spike I have gotten back down to 165 ish range on my last two PT. Drop your thoughts below!
... everyone good vibes for a stress-free retake experience. ... it. Then, I scored a 179 onaPT this week (my highest ... that everything happens for a reason. I needed this ... of achieving a score in the high 170s on this ... is that they were a blessing in disguise. The ...
... all... even though it takes a long time... the games are ... the sequencing and sequencing with a twist to the last game ... got my first 170+ score onaPT even though it was one ...
... too much in chalking up a poor performance due to the ... />
Remember not to be nervous ona preptest! The goal of prepping ... . Better to get incorrect answers onaPT than on the actual LSAT. Be ...
... anxious when you see a new game onaPT. You have to just ... Logic Games before too, freezing on new games and spending too ... much times on the simple ones and not ...
I scored a 172 onaPT today :o I'm so ... I'd score that high onaPT!
If ... was and struggling ona few tests in a row maybe just ... some small stuff. Review a few past tests here and ... And then hammer and focus onapt when you can. I' ...
... for methodology (spending time on the trickier flaw and ... them timed, and make a pile of the flaw ... that you're relying on exposure of patterns previously ... 's going to be on the June test. So ... extra time on parsing through the argument onaPT, you should ...
... scored a 147 on my diagnostic and i just got a 171 onaPT yesterday ... . It also depends on what your ... becomes to improve. Someone with a diagnostic in the 130s or ... score in the high 160s on their diagnostic usually only see ...
... since it means you have a higher ceiling to reach. ... low because I was doing BR on the same copy I ... Since I switched to doing BR ona clean copy my BR ... errors you are making and on what types of questions ... m still not fast enough on the harder questions that ...
At 15 PTs it may still be a bit early to have developed the intuition necessary to have a general idea what the LSAT writers are doing/wanting ona given question. Focus on BR and watching the 7sage explanations for questions that are stumping you.
... received today), so they missed a couple of emails. I received ... best I ever had onaPT after getting a response from them. Correlation ... , I would take it to a watch repair store. The malfunction ... , it would just swing around on its own accord, if that ...
... of those days...did crappy onaPT test too. Weird though, I ... assumed that when you see a conditional statement and want to ... , negate, and read it as a conditional statement, not an "and ...
... strategy (more like mindset) today onaPT and I saw great results ... LR from about -5/-6 on average before. I should note ... ; 70) and this was was ona older one (40) but I ... have to say it is a good way to approach the ...
a question is asking is ... try to justify your answer onaPT unless it's going to ... isn't going to knock on your door one day ... able to skip is contingent on your understanding of the ...
That's a good point. I still have ... that I haven't taken (PT 1-29), yet considering that ... , you'll still make mistakes onaPT you originally took last week ... vice versa! It's definitely a good learning experience, and I ...