... that the increase of electrical energy usage was larger (50%) than ... overall energy usage (10%). I also thought ... to say anything about "other" energy types like in (B) as ...
Scores aren't to be released for another 10 days, but I'm still getting emails from law schools that wanted nothing to do with me last cycle. Does LSAC release preliminary lists of test takers to law schools?
Can anyone recommend good books about law school and the legal profession? I would love some references to read more about what a legal career entails, and the in-and-outs of law school.
... and gets into a top law school...would that change you ... all suggesting anyone go to law school to prove a point ... resolved to attend a top law school because that’s what ...
... even read any books about law. I've heard that they ... to give law applicants the wrong impression about law and law school, so ... students tend to think about law-based popular media? Are there ...
Hello, everyone! I hope the LSAT prep is going as intended.
So, here's a question just out of curiosity. Why law? Why do we want to study law, and become lawyers?
Was wondering what role if any the undergrad school you attended plays in the law admission process i.e. if a higher ranked school looks better, lower looks worse - increasing or decreasing chances respectively?