The advantage to ... in a row in one day (and thus only getting to ... 7-10 games in a day and then trying those same ... 7-10 the next day or two days later.
... in, maybe schedule it for everyotherday)
> ... back to it the next day and one week later. ... questions on a given day but then have to ... them again the next day and then one week ... day and then building on from there, while also studying other ...
... , I wouldn't do PT everyotherday. That's not leaving enough ... get easily burned out doing everyotherday. The goal shouldn't be ... to take every PT released so I would ...
... />
I took Pt's everyotherday until I learned that I ... about 4-5 hours a day reviewing CC and doing trainer ... bouncing ideas of off each other. What's your current situation ...
i wish i could quit my job and focus 100% on the lsat, study 4 hours in the morning 4 in the afternoon, practice test everyotherday.. ohh the dreams we dream, like my boy @"Alex Divine" , BUT I gotta hustle twice as hard.
@poohbear thanks so much for the videos! The tension in my neck also causes headaches (almost everyotherday sigh). I just tried the lacrosse ball video and I already feel better. Thanks!!!
... hard to do a PT everyday and not essentially break. I ... do more then a PT everyotherday and use the in-between ... day to drill problem zones and ...