> @asdf1234guy said:
> For those of you who have taken the test,
> does the real bubble sheet look exactly like the ones at the end of the preptest booklet with one page?
... your answers on the test sheet and then fill in ... the answer sheet at the end? Or ... fill them on the answer sheet while you are doing ... actually fill in the answer sheet differently depending on which ... to fill in the answer sheet, but I find that ...
Could you elaborate on what you mean by "editable"? Do you want LSAT Answer Bubble/Scantron Sheet (https://7sage.com/free-lsat-prep-tools/) that doesn't say "LSAT" on the paper?
I would BR with a clean copy. If you don't want to waste paper like me, you could look at an electronic copy of the practice test and write down all your answers on a separate sheet of paper.