... s expenditure," the administration's explanation is not believable. explanation can make sense, so this can be weakening argument. ... B) can be strengthening argument which can fight back ... against possible weakening argument.
Probably I ...
If one has learned all of the valid argument forms, does it make sense to learn the invalid forms? Of course, I could be incorrect, but it seems to be redundant to learn both. Please assist. Thank you.
*The kind of ... looks like it strengthens the argument by stating how CIs cause ... . Plus, this could strengthen the argument because BTT also doesn’t ...
... wants here. I heard one explanation that you need to take ... you construct a bad/illogical argument? I don't know if ... want a solid, less flawed argument, or something that looks more ...
*The ... that weaken the argument. Maybe an alternative explanation as to why ... years. Who cares. The argument is talking about the “proportion ... answer. This weakens the argument. Insect abatement programs were ...
... people held the explanation essentially that the argument failed to consider ... stimulus, but I find this explanation to be wanting. ... to explain that an argument fails to consider the ... of the premises. This explanation requires far less assumptions ( ...
... asks you to find the argument with the most simillar reasoning ... are they never a flawed argument? I know we get questions ... correct answer choice and the argument in the stimulus are logical ...
... , the argument seems to be making a pro vs. con flaw ... pros of unionizing. The argument only talks about the possibility ... those potential cons? The argument doesn't even address that ... eliminating it. Does the argument equivocate on active disapproval and ...
Just sat to write the Dec. I did a look back at october LR's section to compare. In October, only 1 argument part-role question and 0 main point questions. December several of both. Anyone else notice that?
... first sentence in Theodora's argument. Which talks about whether ... second sentence in Marcia's argument and the second sentence ... lengthier. Marcia's second argument is vegetarians can get nourishment ... in Theodora's first sentence vs Marcia's first sentence ...
... is the basis of his argument and the main point of ... he is simply stating an argument but leaves out his personal ... , autonomy and self confidence), an explanation of each is given, then ... basis of our author’s argument. The last 2 sentences of ...
... answer choice (C) weakened the argument. After reflection, I believe I ... contradict the conclusion of the argument, which we are not supposed ... the answer choice weakens the argument by stating that we ... to the rest of the argument except via extreme assumptions. ...