@bishoplaw TOTALLY being facetious...one watch should be fine. You could do what brna said and carry a back up in your ziploc bag if it puts you at ease.
I got sick several days before the test and was still a little under the weather on test day and did just fine. I actually got my best ever PT score when I was feeling quite sick and very groggy from medicine and lack of sleep.
I wore a sweater/hoodie.
In any case, if you come prepared with one and they tell you you can't wear it, then fine. But it's better to be prepared and warm than not prepared and cold.
Either one is fine since they all have the full curriculum. If you're just looking for LG then get the starter and splurge on an LG bundle from Cambridge or everylsat.
I wrote down all the conditional inference in the second game and attacked first 3 questions, then I jumped to the third and last game because it was too time-consuming. The last game is fine I think, but it is weird.
I think you guys will be fine. It's hitting the Bahamas this weekend and it won't be until Monday night or Tuesday that it hits the east coast (if it hits at all). Good luck on the October test!