@alkherti it requires lots of repetitious work. 7Sage endorses "fool-proofing". that process is described here https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/2737/logic-games-attack-strategy
Good stuff here guys. You hit on some things that I hadn't paid attention to. I'm also guilty of not really foolproofing so I've missed out on the benefits of repetition and picking up on when it's beneficial to split.
You can begin from PT 1, but if you're food proofing games by game type then you have to go out of order. I personally think that foolproofing by game type is better, but doing it by PT can help too.
As for studying, foolproofing LG is a great area ... and it would get you fool proofed to PT 40 in ... during BR. It seems like foolproofing is too good to be ...