I'm bumping this up because a lot of people have been asking/mentioning foolproofing Logic Games recently (due to the large number of september takers starting their studies more than likely).
... , but have you spent time foolproofing the LG bundle?
> ... games. Make sure to also fool proof any new games you ... />
I have yet to fool proof any games. I think ... , Alex, I totally forgot about foolproofing!!!
... sections without having fool proofed the LG bundle. Foolproofing the bundle exposes ... CC and spent many hours foolproofing and re-watching JY's ...
... :
> I have completed foolproofing PTs 1-35. I'm ... are y'alls thoughts on foolproofing LG on PTs36+? Obviously I ... do 10 PT chunks of foolproofing the LG games, by the ... robust after completing the traditional foolproofing method?