I started out doing full length PTs and transitioned to ... flex. I recently took a full-length PT and my score ... 7sage to reflect both a full-length PT AND a flex ...
Is it a good use of time to full proof all the "hardest" LG questions from the question bank or is that just a waste of time? I am taking the exam in January and I want to feel comfortable doing the hard one in a short time. Any suggestions?
Contemplating taking on studying as a full time gig, or at minimum reducing my hours at work, but I want to see how many users out there feel they are able to fulfill study goals while working FT!
... anyone else studying while working full-time? I've been studying ... and working full-time for the last year ... me. For those who work full-time, what are your study ...
... mini-group of folks to full proof LG with me. full proofing before then, and I ... the week and commit to full-proofing say Games 1-10 ... . I find the repetition of full proofing difficult, but it would ...
Is there any way to see and navigate through the full course concept tree that JY uses in the videos? I think it would help me connect the dots a little bit as to how some concepts relate to each other and help me figure out what to study again.