I would probably do something crazy like my top10 Disney Channel Original Movies or top10 episodes where DJ learns to not be selfish on Full House. Ok, I might not actually do that...
I'm sort of having the same problem... Was going to do "Top10 Reasons I'm Still Waiting On My Letter From Hogwarts" (equally as nerdy) but I'm not sure if it's doing a good job of showing anything about me.
> @sophie74 said:
> I did my Top10 Life Experiences and I think it really helped my app bc it showed a lot of different sides of me that the app did not show!
If its not personal, what top10 life experiences did you speak of?
I wrote "Top ten most effective things I ... 't know how much the top10 list mattered... Although on the ... note saying he enjoyed my top10 and wrote a few sentences ...
> @Pa2camp said:
> You see i never said I would outshine my peers.
Transferring would require you to outperform the vast majority of your peers though. Usually one would have to be within top10% at the very least, I believe.