... worth the risk of getting into a worse school with ... is worth. And if you getinto a mid-tear school, ... no matter where you get in because you know ... you will almost for sure get a better offer. ... ve always wanted to do, get work experience, travel, build ...
... neither sufficient nor necessary to get any given score. ... is typically not enough to get us to our goals. ... will best help to get you there so you ... decide what parts to incorporate into your own process, and ... took me a year to getinto 170-land. And guess ...
... what law schools you can getinto, which affects what kind of ... jobs you'll get after. But it's definitely ... don't absolutely need to get a good LSAT score ... do, and they did not get a stellar LSAT score. ... to practice in, then getting into the T14 is a lot ...
... working our ass off to getinto law school. Which is, ... the long run it will get better and prepare you ... to stay afloat, to get up when you're pushed ... the ideal candidate. I went into this thinking it was just ... x' amount of hours and get a 170+. As you can ...
... I am never going to getinto the 160s." Like everyone else ... from it. When I get frustrated with the LSAT I ... so that when you get to every question after a ... br />
When you do get back to PTing what helped ... goals. I thought "just get 3 more point" and once ...
... good no matter what you getinto. If you want to go ... into a specific field like IP ... with one stone as you get to socialize, reduce stress, and ... get a workout in all at ...
... B's degree. Once you get to 25-35, rankings don ... law you'd like to getinto, look at each school's ... types of work, regions they get employed, etc.
... was terrified that I'd get a great LSAT score and ... me. If I don't getinto one of my reach schools ... consultant and then didn't getinto my reach schools, I would ...
@"GSU Hopeful" said:
Where people getinto trouble and hurt themselves is when they drill by game type. For example, doing 10 sequencing games in a row then 10 grouping games.
... or if you can't getinto those, then any of the ... and its MUCH easier to get a top law firm job ... goal and you can't getinto one of the above mentioned ...
... PhD is that unless I getinto a top program, I also ... qualified to do. If you get a crappy adviser or don ... after graduating or don't getinto a top 8 school for ...
In addition, is it better to warm-up right before you getinto the test center? Or is warming up at some point before you leave your house good enough? Dunno if it matters, but in case it does...
... suck it up, get a mediocre score, getinto a mediocre school and ... />
Horrible idea. Never go into law school with the intent ... negativity in your life. Go get a job, move out and ...