... 58) and wrote out a GoogleDoc which, while it does provide ... , take a look at the GoogleDoc to compare your approach.** For ... a link to the Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E0LP49UXvYYm ...
I am looking for a way to copy paste LR stimuli and answer choices into a googledoc to create a comprehensive wrong answer journal. Is there any way (7sage or otherwise) to be able to do so? 7sage won't let me copy paste.
... week, you would share a googledoc version of your draft so ... make comments/edits on the doc, or even do like a ... to organize us with a google drive or something similar (:
Anyone interested in studying together via googledoc or Skype? I just finished all the lessons and planning to start working on the preptests. I scored 166 on the diagnostic.
I believe I've added everyone to my googledoc. I'm still not completely finished with that section so if any of you have any suggestions or would like to add to it please feel free to. Thanks!
There is a googledoc circulating for LR questions :) if you want a copy, please e-mail my work e-mail: [removed]. I can send you a copy when I get to work on Monday.
... have three tabs open: 1) googledoc for blind reviewing all the ... to.
2) a different googledoc - for me to type up ... blind review set).
3) google slides/powerpoint - this is where ... from.
... a lot better than the google survey, mainly because you can ... the typeform results into a google excel sheet each time before ... , we can also move to google sheets when the group becomes ... the feedback! Exporting to the googledoc sheet wasn't time consuming ...
... exam?
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NqvbW4p83dpFmihrUOeWf6Dx8ETo25rLE1q1nPzOrpg/edit ... . The schedule posted on the googledoc was more geared towards September ...