... different university BA in Psychology -GPA3.2 from LIU and BS ... in Finance- GPA 2.9. And if you ... for with those type of gpa and work experience .
A couple months ago, I was getting somewhere between minus 3-7 per RC section and now I've seemingly lost my groove as I've been getting minus 10+ on more than a few occasions. Has anyone else experienced this? Tips/advice?
... it! However, given my LSAC GPA (3.73) it looks like I ... , Michigan, or Georgetown. I have 3 years of work experience at ... student, my UGPA was a 3.86 because it didn't ...
Also what should be the minimum LSAT score required to get in? Is it possible to get in with a 150s? Could anyone share their personal experience wherein they got selected with such scores?