They only care about 3 things: LSAT, GPA, race. Trust me. Law school is a business and the above 3 factors count the most because they influence school's rankings.
... />
> They only care about 3 things: LSAT, GPA, race. Trust me. Law ... a business and the above 3 factors count the most because ... have control over is their LSAT score.
... ; They only care about 3 things: LSAT, GPA, race. Trust me. ... have control over is their LSAT score.
> ... />
I had amazing softs: 3 scientific publications (nature, cell) ... counted for maybe ONE lsat point... I got ... two in 25% lsat/gpa. I applied to 23 ...
... gt; They only care about 3 things: LSAT, GPA, race. Trust me. ... Maybe two in 25% lsat/gpa. I applied to 23 ... have the similar GPA and LSAT then softs will ... unless you are HYS, GPA/LSAT are the two things that ... and a student's GPA/LSAT while not so much ...
... 'll end up at a 3.7. It's definitely not the ... very, very hard on the LSAT and do the very best ... />
I haven't taken the LSAT (plan to do so this ...
@Micolash uGPA of 3.7 is great and definitely I ... extra classes and raise your GPA. Once you graduate, it's ... isn't beneficial and a 3.7 is great. But if I ...
... ... ... =1528936477&sr=8-3&keywords=lsat+practice+tests
> ... just realized that it was 7:30 EST and I work ...
I once had a GPA of around 3.7 in CC and 3.4 in university. I had a few failing grades in CC because I was pursuing a different major at the time. Now this is going to haunt me. What a great day to wake up to.
... , 2) A 3.72 is still a great GPA and I don ... be motivation to kill the LSAT, because at the end of ... and type in 3.72 with your target LSAT score and you ... get my GPA up?*
> The LSAT sis more ...
... , 2) A 3.72 is still a great GPA and I don ... be motivation to kill the LSAT, because at the end of ... and type in 3.72 with your target LSAT score and you ... my GPA up?*
> >
> > The LSAT sis ...
> the LSAT is*
... , 2) A 3.72 is still a great GPA and I don ... and type in 3.72 with your target LSAT score and you ... />
Nope. LSAT undoubtedly counts for more than GPA. The reason is ... />
Still, GPA is super important! All else equal though LSAT seems to ...
If by high you mean 3.7 plus you might be able to get in with a lower Lsat , but that depends on the exact cgpa and your softs (lor ecs, personal statement) and the school you want to get into . For example western is mostly a numbers school
... 't get a numerical GPA. So, your LSAT score will be very ... detrimental to not have a GPA, but it means you only ... 't consider the GPA much either, unless your GPA is unusually low ... I've seen.
Would getting a 172 or 173 really be better than possibly just focusing on your GPA and ultimately raising your GPA to, for instance, a 3.7? I don't know the answer that question, but it's something to consider.