... numbers. (We can argue correlation vs causation here, but you know ... too much below the HLS GPA floor for non-urms or ... has got in with that gpa to harvard even though anecdotally ...
... other potential Ivy candidates? My GPA which I earned while doing ... it's easy to pad GPA. Where they can get a ... admissions process from a poor vs rich person standpoint and that ...
... other potential Ivy candidates? My GPA which I earned while doing ... it's easy to pad GPA. Where they can get a ... admissions process from a poor vs rich person standpoint and that ...
... filtering for academia. What is GPA 'supposed' to measure if ... It's not the GPA that everyone in an ... at the average of expensive vs inexpensive schools) and having ... many poor will have good GPA and bad LSAT and ... rich will have bad GPA but good LSAT from ...
... the Degree Summary GPA or the Cumulative GPA? (My cumulative GPA is .05 ... see both the degree GPA and cumulative GPA. The law school reports ... the cumulative GPA and uses the cumulative GPA for ranking ... my undergraduate school (3.67 vs 3.7). Is this .01 ...
... their jobs for law schools vs. those who are doing it ... splitter with a 3.2x gpa, 5 years out of school ... their learning preferences re: IRL vs. online courses.
... theme in the test. Numbers vs. percentages. Though I suspect you ... the classrooms so the average GPA of each classroom went up ... mean the university's average GPA decreased since overall number of ... think of jobs=people like gpa=students?
... details of what's important vs. trying to cram all the ... go for it, study smarter vs. harder, and make sure the ... you can input your score, gpa, and when you'll apply ...
Thank you so much for posting this! I had a question about grades: if you are at a T-14 school, do firms have different GPA cut-offs depending in which school you go to (i.e. Harvard vs. Georgetown)?
... to take it in October vs. November or any other month ... applicant with your current LSAT/GPA, if so, then doing the ... LSAT score already on file vs an LSAT score taken in ... (amongst other factors such as GPA). A 155 in November does ...
... allow me to increase my GPA – as they have grading systems ... would calculate a letter grade vs. Pass/ Fail. And, as you ... could underline that my past GPA does not reflect my current ...
is there a difference between the old lsat preptests and the new preptests. I took my lsat in february (did quite good) and i mainly studied from preptests 1-38. i'm just curious as to what difference there is for the newer lsat 39-60. is there a ...
I noticed that some games are very easy to diagram. However, I am always unsure on how many sketches I should make. In order to save time, is there a general method for knowing when to draw multiple diagrams vs. using only one?