... world for each answer choice. Now that is a strategy I hardly ... you hunt for the right answer. The second type you have ... to think about how to answer the questions. The Trainer honed ...
... you about the "comparative passage" strategy that we have been doing ... very flexible about not eliminating answer choices too quick, take advantage ... is not conducive to this strategy. Feedback from the people that ...
... with. Once you can answer the questions accurately untimed, ... should be able to answer a bulk of the ... a comment about your BR strategy. I can’t tell ... to justify that your first answer was correct. This will ... you selecting the same answer more times than if ...
... with. Once you can answer the questions accurately untimed, ... should be able to answer a bulk of the ... a comment about your BR strategy. I can’t tell ... to justify that your first answer was correct. This will ... you selecting the same answer more times than if ...
... up with the 80% strategy, which I've bumped ... glance at the other answer choices, just to make ... adage that "the trick answer sometimes comes right before ... the correct answer" stuck in my head ... look at the other answer choices, although there are ...
... with the LSAT," I am guessing that you haven't put ... questions and why the correct answer is so, and why the ... no sense in playing a guessing game as to why you ...
... much trouble trying to correctly answer Assumption, Sufficient Assumption and Necessary ... argument forms and utilizing a strategy like @"Cant Get Right" outlined ...
... you use Nicole's notation strategy for RC? Just curious ... you need a notation strategy that's that extensive. ... to passage B, you answer all questions that even ... is to eliminate as many answer choices as possible. answer choices you couldn't ...
... much trouble trying to correctly answer Assumption, Sufficient Assumption and Necessary ... argument forms and utilizing a strategy like @"Cant Get Right" outlined ...
... out of time and start guessing on the last passage w ... Easter egg hunt," "the right answer is already here, I just ... select it," and "only one answer has textual evidence." You want ... , you probably have the wrong answer. Hope any of that was ...
... Nicole Hopkin's notation strategy, Sami's resolution strategy (join her awesome ... thing to do. Afterall, the answer is literally right in front ... way we can find the answer. But most of the time ... aggressive and go with your answer without looking back whenever you ...
... if you immediately remember the answer, see if you can still ... even if you know the answer. See if in blind review ... if you do remember the answer the returns are decreasing and ... - this is also a great strategy and no less powerfull.
... . Helps to more quickly eliminate answer choices. I don't think ... go in blind without a strategy and start underlining everything you ... to your underlined words to answer questions and eliminate wrong ...
... for the suggestions everyone! Skipping strategy seems to be a resonant ... checking after I choose an answer choice, as well as minimizing ... engagement with answer choices where possible (i.e ...
... . There's just no real strategy beyond showing you how to ... I never bubble the correct answer, I just draw a light ... , but gained a bunch from strategy.
... . There's just no real strategy beyond showing you how to ... I never bubble the correct answer, I just draw a light ... , but gained a bunch from strategy.
> And ...
... . There's just no real strategy beyond showing you how to ... I never bubble the correct answer, I just draw a light ... , but gained a bunch from strategy.
> >
> ...
... the theory and explanations of strategy, which might be able to ...
When doing BR, every answer can be traced back to ... where the passage supports your answer choice (it will only ... will always be the correct answer). Once you practice this exercise ...