If you choose the incorrect answer on BR that means you need to go back and review that question - there is a good chance that either you are second-guessing yourself too much, or you may have an issue with the underlying content of the question.
I would leave it blank. Guessing an answer right means nothing and will mislead the analytics. Personally I just add .2 points to my total score for each unanswered question when computing my score. It takes out the random element.
Oh I see. I'm guessing you used the "discuss" button? The questions appear to be from PTs 1-16 so they don't have video explanations or comment pages. We'd be happy to discuss them with you. You just need to post the PT#/Section#/Question# in the title.
Why is it considered 165 or bust? Granted thats ideal but the numbers do not make sense, 165 is about 90 something percentile. Im no mathematician but im guessing a bulk of students are in the 154-160 range.
There is no strategy for guessing questions. Guessing isn't something I'd recommend to get a habit of. If you find yourself guessing, it means you don't have the material down and you should revisit.
Thanks for the quick response. I totally understand, I'm just taking the LSAT tomorrow and figured if i got stuck in a situation of guessing for one reason or another than i be ready. Any other last tips?