... movement, not enough jabs etc. From each round forward Marquez started ... first round, were being removed from his approach. He started ... section, don't look to crush the section and move from -10 ... people not happy that they haven’t gone from -11 to -2. For ...
Seems likely my test center will be closed for this storm on the Gulf Coast, but I haven’theard anything yet. How much advance is typically given for a test center closing and how would I be contacted? Email?
... to study. I don't even have my own desk ... study, but I just... don't want to?
... I feel like I can't even explain to my parents ... they'll think I haven't learned from my past mistakes. So ... tips, even if you don't struggle with depression, with ...
I sent in my accommodation request on August 11th and still haven’theard back. Should I email LSAC or is it normal for them to take a little bit longer than 14 days?
I just got invited to do a group interview with Dean Cornblatt... but I already did an alumni interview in mid-December and haven'theard back since. Has anyone else had this experience or know what it could mean?
Hi, I applied to schools and September and wondering if a LOCI would do anything at this point considering i haven'theard back in 3 months. Or are LOCI only for waitlist.
It's nothing that you haven'theard a million times before. You ... have it prepared. It doesn't have to be the "best ... to apply, and (2) don't sabotage yourself by getting in ...
I don't think PTs will go away, ... everything else they charge doesn't make them a lot of ... type of the PTs. We haven'theard anything officially. I'd save ... have been using. I don't think that will overall affect ...
Hey, on the bright side, I haven'theard one comment yet that the test was "easy." Maybe we'll get a curve better than on PT 72.. where 12 wrong was a 170 and 28 wrong was a 160.
@Bstew.. yeah haven'theard anyone really say "WOW that section was easy dude! I finished that so fast and understood all of it" If you're in Austin feel free to PM me about study groups and the like
I am taking it! I was just reading through the DEC LSAT discussion and they were all talking about the "experimental" section.. what does that mean? I haven'theard of that..
normally if they decided no you will find out sooner than later. So if you haven'theard back yet it most likely is because the review isnt completed and they haven't made a decision yet
I'm not 100% but I think as long as it is in the ziplock, yes, you should be fine. I haven'theard of someone doing it with protein powder, but I know of someone who did this with something similar. (meal replacement shake)