I am havingtrouble viewing the quick view on certian question- it says the link is expired. I can view the question when going to the explination and when looking at earlier tests but not the mid 40+ range tests.
Hello 7sagers! I am havingtrouble selecting a topic for my personal statement. Does anyone have a good personal statement they would be willing to let me read or just any advice in general? Thanks :)
I am havingtrouble deciphering between answer choices especially determining if an answer choice is too strong or too weak, Any suggestions on how I can improve?
Hey everyone, I was just wondering what you guys did to stay motivated to study for the LSAT, particularly 170+ scorers. I’ve really been havingtrouble staying on task. I’m just looking to see what other people did to stay focused. Thanks!
I ultimately chose A, but really struggle to eliminate B--which turned out to be correct. However, I am havingtrouble understanding why B is a better answer? Thanks in advance.