Not to sure how to be spending the last ... yet. I don't know how I reasoned this earlier, but ... day going over wrong questions, difficult question types, or go ahead ... ? I just don't know how much it'd benefit me ...
Hey, I'm looking for an alternative to The Trainer's explanation of 29:4:20. Id like to see what Jy has to say about this question because im still having trouble eliminating e. How do I look up particular questions from a prep test?
I'm curious to know what you guy's gut feeling was in relation to your actual score, and how many of your answers were actual guesses. I have a gut feeling score, but I'm hoping I did a couple better... :/
... , but I am having a difficult time seeing why B is ... and chose answer choice B. How should I have approached this ... problem? I fail to see how the strength of the language ...
For Comparative RC how do you attack questions like this. The answers are usually a key term and very short. Is there any proven method or do you just start searching both passages and eliminate until you find your answer?
I recently discovered this website... i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to look up an explanation for a certain game. i looked up a specific one in my book and it didn't match up....
I prefer to work games that I have already practiced or done in a PT. I find it is just the best way to warm up my brain and get into LSAT mode. How do the rest of you psyche yourselves up?