I was in one of the test centers that got cancelled on July 15 and finally took my LSAT today. I’m planning to sit for the September exam as well. Howlong of a break should I take before I begin studying again?
... all I can that includes foolproofing 5-36 and more. I ... 5-82 multiple times. And fool proofed them. so lack of ... that I have done a long time ago, I will do ...
I see that I was admitted to a school on the application status checker but a week later I am still waiting for some kind of an official word i.e a letter/call/email. Does anybody know howlong it usually takes? What has been the experience thus far?
... practiced about 15 hours on fool-proofing this week. If you don ... 't fool-proof; you need this in ... each subsequent paragraph, think about how it functions in the context ...
... and I’m not sure how I should put that type ... list all my clients and howlong I’ve been working with ... for what I do? And how do I make a distinction ...