core lessons and about 7 ... So I’m gonna take another test this June. it seems I’ll just keep ... some advice on how should I train myself toget a 170+ ...
... what's your trick to stay motivated throughout the study ... process? I've had to have some surgery done ... br />
I'm trying toget back into my study ... want to miss out, but feel as if it's ... probably more important just toget through the core curriculum ...
... />
How often should I do it? Howlong do I have to do it before ... actually put it on my resume?
Should I get proof of ... volunteering and send it with my apps to law ...
My blind review score is pretty decent and about 7-10 points higher than my actual score. I can not seem toget my actual score up. Any advice? 6 weeks out and I need that 7-10 point increase.
Hi all. Does anyone have any advice about ... year if I get in. I don't want to put off ... may not want to defer. Does anyone know how difficult it is toget a deferral ...
It took 2-3 hours to figure out why correct ... answer is correct...cannot believe it ... wasting time? Does this happen to you? Or am I ... 'm writing down why it's actually correct for ... just remember or refer to explanations, and if you ...
That's my only question to be honest... I've ... new tests dropped me closer to a 160 so I' ... m most likely postponing to December. Just wondering if I ... and BR, it should be a realistic goal togetto 165 average by ... recently but I just want to make sure I'm ...
... year and have managed to raise my score from ... the low 150s to where Im consistently PT' ... can't seem toget over the final threshold to hit 170. ... month? I feel like it may be a little late ... guess the next step is to master the substitute/equivalency ...
Is it possible toget ... full ride to let's say Baylor ... somewhat rural Texas)(prefer to keep any future law ... , tips or recommendations on howto achieve a conditional full ride ...
... , I thought it would be a good idea to discuss test day ... as they get themselves ready for the day and take the test ... you plan to wake up? How early do you plan togetto the test ... it, like how late you're allowed to use the bathroom before having to ...
... into your test, and howdoesit compare to the rest of your score ... section being there. I tend toget better and more accurate the ... psychological barrier to doing well on it. Like I "know" it isn't ... ? Are there better ways to drill with it, or should I just ...
... likely scenario of them looking toget rid of me before I ... to keep itto themselves (at least not a risk I'm willing totake ... no response (seriously, how difficult is it just to send a "no" email ...
... . This is your chance to see how a professional editor thinks about ... my passion to study law as it left me wondering how I could ... more than welcome to stay as long as he needed toget warm. Before ... making jokes and ready to clock out. How could they be so ...
... LR that I am trying to fine tune and I miss ... about 8 to 10 questions in LG and ... and making sure I can get a couple more questions on ... me to improve on than some of the other sections. Does anyone ... , I just need a 150 toget automatic admission in my 3 ...
... wondering on average howlongit is taking people toget through the core curriculum. I ... won't be applying to schools ... how many of you are able to stay on track... or have to ...
I am curious, how many hours at one time ... ? My schedule will allow me to study at night time for ... hours, sometimes I may shorten it down toget more sleep. Whereas 2 ... I'm going to have 8 free hours to study. Does anyone ever ...
... being too long winded on here.. I decided totake the Feb ... mistake of my study because it contributed to me always over thinking ... , and if it’s possible for me to reach my goal ... months enough time toget through the core curriculum and get in enough PT ...
... 2 years looks bad to admission teams and that ... transfer toget started. They also said it’s easier toget into ... where I really want to ... they used this strategy toget into the best law ... sure it’s true, but I just want toget some ...
... days ago and so far it has been good. However, I ... should I just take some while studying the core curriculum?
P ... .S: I am planing totake the ... responses will be much appreciate it.
... enough time in the day toget everything down. Once I ... me time toget everything together...At this rate it feels like ... I might just have to skip ... even a 168 could get me into my first ...
I really wanted to hire an admissions advisor and ...
On average, howlongdoes a strong LR student spend reading the stimulus and question stem before looking at the answer choices? In general I spend more than a minute on a question before I getto the AC's... (i'm new to timed LR)
I am wanting to transfer after my first year ... about to attend. Is it hard to do that? I would like to know ... transfer or would I have to retake some? Could I transfer ... semester or would I have to complete the first year?