... the hardest sections for me toget a solid understanding of. ... accuracy and speed have started toget better with 1,2, ... 4/5 star questions? How do youget better with these harder ... what point didyou start to incorporate time? Finally, how would do you determine ...
... passages? In LR, I tend toget bogged down easily so maybe ... much done as possible. If you have any strategies that have ... worked for you that would be greatly appreciated ...
... embarrassed to say this but whatever...I can get anywhere ... from -8 to a whopping -13 ... like I will never get over this hump. I ... get so I am not sure howmany people will be able to ... I think I did well-only to be super disappointed ...
... . It took me 5 days to solve and complete blind review ... do two PTs a week. howmany pt a week js realistic ... tjme. And my goal is to take the october tesr. thank ...
... another year before applying to law school. In this ... opportunities after the April test to retake. So far, ... I'd like to save as many fresh PTs as ... the 80s, although I did do 81 and 83 and ... Howmany of the 80s would you save up for potential retakes? Howmany ...
... and was ready to start doing some PTs to see where ... two PTs. I plan to take roughly 6 PTs a ... curious if you guys think it is possible to hit 170's by ... June and if my study plan ... adequately sets me up to reach this ...
... is going to be "do what feels best for you," focus, ... />
If you do chunking, howmany words do you chunk when you read and ... a good day until I getto the level 4-5 difficulty ... />
Looking forward to reading your story.
I just got 169 and 170 back to back after plateauing for a ... folks, you got this. When I started in January so many comments ... on Reddit and other sites claimed it is unlikely toget ... I know I can get. Feel free to ask me anything.
... I wanted to install the app, "toget there faster." How long has ... prep up with easier access to the library of PTs.< ... your test-day? didyou have to use it to take the exam? ... I'm trying to replicate test day for June ... and I don't want to rely on the app ...
... -170 on my PTs. I am really hoping toget that up to ... on howto narrow down what to focus on? I get about -3 to - ... few questions I do get wrong on LR I' ... has any tips on howto avoid this please let ... anyone has any insight on howtoget over this hump and ...
... ... I had been scoring low to mid 160s and scored a ... and I can't afford to lose focus or confidence in ... test-taking process even when you start to doubt yourself?
... toget a higher score. I wanted to begin tutoring to those who aim toget ... offload what I have learned toget myself into the 160s. ... can be of help to those scoring in the ...
Let me know if you’d be interested! I’m ... /hour, but LMK if you have concerns.
... Not time itself, mind you, but how I feel more and more ... think about how this simple sequencing game should take you less time ... videos, Henry says that if you want toget better at RC, do ... returns with every question type youstudy.
... looking for a couple study buddies to create a sense of accountability ... study material along the way. If you are looking for that and to ... just find someone you can feel like you relate to when you feel ...
Howmany drill Questions should I put into the auto drill builder, if we are to drill for an hour. I am specifically referring to Main Conclusion: Drill It and it says under this I should drill for an hour.
... freezing up, howmany wrong are you getting? Is this due to a lack ... of confidence or do you just get a ... game but I would just get so nervous on a timed ... probably just need more time to learn howto be confident. Confidence is ...
... how much have you internalized from the lessons? You might have noticed listening to ... a different story when you actually do the ... on you, so you have toget used to it. Sometime, you have to ... to have a shot for the harder questions. Ask yourself why youdid ...
As many Pt as it takes toget the score you want. I don't think you should wait to start studying. Study now and take the test when you're ready. Apply to LS soon after that.
... to the party is David
Take our 2 ideas like youdid ... How it reads: If you fail to come to the party, then you are ... How it reads: If you are David, then you came to the party ... we get this:
/CTP--> /D How it reads: If you ...
... going to be alone when you take the test and no matter howmany ... "good lucks" you receive it's not going to do anything for you ... 's not what you need. Meditate. Don't get hyped up for ... this test. We're not going to ...
... it is toget170 (relative to the number of raw questions you got right ... about 4-5 raw points how we did. If I think for ... , you shouldn't be able to tell.