... games you need to master, and I'm foolproofing those. But those ... games don't seem to be ... to Ult +, then try to find used tests on Amazon or Ebay. Many ... somewhat similar tomany of those older games. It's important tofool proof ...
... that foolproofing LG is like going to the gym, you have to be ... 're going to maintain your gains. I spent two months foolproofing LG ... in order to learn howto set up a good foolproofing system with a ... on how you are with logic games, you may need to do ...
... 2019. Sitting for December while you're only on ... 170+ you still need to spend a whilefoolproofing games 1-35. ... yes I just started foolproofing LG and the first ... with foolproofing. I refuse to not foolproof at least ... -35. We do need to get together soon, at ...
... 2019. Sitting for December while you're only on ... 170+ you still need to spend a whilefoolproofing games 1-35. ... yes I just started foolproofing LG and the first ... with foolproofing. I refuse to not foolproof at least ... -35. We do need to get together soon, at ...
... I know how you feel and know how discouraging it ... now I have to go even harder with foolproofing games. to answer the questions untimed, ... 's annoying how frustrating it can be to score lower ... than how you did ...
... and utilize JY's explanations to get a detailed breakdown of ... LG, you need to make sure you are foolproofing the games on ... doing a good amount of foolproofing outside of PTs. At minimum ... . The logic and strategy of howto answer them correctly stays exactly ...
... me. I plan to do light drilling and fool-proofing but I won ... 't have great access to the Internet while ... I'm gone so I was thinking to ... glad it found well use to you, good luck!
Thanks for the suggestions and comments, guys (and gals)! I'll continue PT'ing and focus on drilling the inference and MSS type questions whilefoolproofing LG. My goal is 168 so to get there and then fall back was kind of discouraging.
... Memorize inferences if you have to. Repeat until you can do ... you mean by "memorize inferences"? Whilefool-proofing all the ordering games from ... inferences I needed to make in order to solve a game ... would then take too long to recognize similar inferences in ...
... everything you’re doing and foolproofing the games from the tests ... watched a video lesson about foolproofing, but if you need any ... ’d be happy to chat. Whilefoolproofing you may want to sprinkle in some ... . If you fool proof as it’s meant to be done, you ...
... bit confused on the LG foolproofing method. Not the actual method ... games you need to master, and I'm foolproofing those. But those ... games don't seem to be ... from earlier prep tests to test my ability to handle weird games ...
... the curriculum so close to the exam date I ... didn't get to take enough PTs before ... t exactly where I wanted to be so I withdrew. ... 2 months to prep. I haven't tried fool-proofing yet, is ... it smart to spend a whole month fool-proofing ...
... would be willing to share their journey through foolproofing 1-35 games ... and also willing to share an ... have found using excel useful to track progress and I ... Writing in November and looking to really improve my LG.
... I'm writing this post to see if anyone who is ... really starting to get to the meat of drilling, foolproofing, PTing, ... etc. When I BR, I'm able to go ... but is not conducive to seeing what went right/ ... and I would like to have that as often ...
... more practice and more review to get to -0/-3 range than ... I've had to scratch for every point. Foolproofing, untimed games, over ... without looking has forced me to remember everything and juggle ... the most efficient way possible to answer the questions. I ...
... 170's, there's going to be a consistent gap between ... you've got to figure out the pacing. Foolproofing for time as ... well as correct answers is essential to this ... those really helpful in learning to develop a pacing strategy. You ...
Thanks for all the helpful posts on this thread @BinghamtonDave and @DumbHollywoodActor , I have recently found myself in a similar position to @jkatz1488 where even after foolproofing I still miss -3/-4 on certain PTs. Very insightful thread!
... through logic games. Hate to have to retake on a LG that ... what I need to work on: timing, and foolproofing and working on ... />
Honestly I'm retaking due to LG as well but don ...
... and outline how I did it while working full ... weaknesses and drilling them to find ways to improve.
... test, I would count howmany of each I got ... hard, type a full explanation. In my opinion, this ... more.
- Watch Nicole’s webinar on Strengthening ...
... many of you have seen my posts on the RC passage explanation ... to me a scientific study that was done a while ...
"Organization" refers tohow the passage is put together ... up being surprised howmany conditionals are in ... a lot of times the hard inference ...
... to 7Sage and have previously been studying with The LSAT Trainer. While ... towatch J.Y's explanation of blind review. I understand how ... blind review may be applied to ... . Any extra ideas to practice during blind review ...
... />
1. How long did it take you to go through it ... through the lessons and watch the videos (while taking notes). If there ... that by watching JY's explanationto all of the examples as ... single question. I then watch JY's explanation on the questions I ...