... to me and I feel that if Ican master LR, RC is going to ... />
If you do chunking, how many words do you chunk ... hardly read as much as I used to. For now, I have gone back ... to "word by word" reading until Ican ...
... then i jumped to LG Curriculum. Do you think i should ... go order wise or cani ... complete LG first and then jump to LR? ... Is it very inter related? Because i' ... first section you learn to tackle as its the ...
... proud of my score given howmuch work I've put it and ... for a month? I already know that success can only come with ... timed practice and real practice tests, which I ... someone else's diagnostic. Congratulations to anyone who has studied their ...
... , it's just howmuch you are willing to sacrifice. I literally know a ... talk to my friends and family about what I'm doing. Ican't ... understand the reasoning ( and I know it can be hard when you ... . But you know what I still can't get around RC. It ...
... a 148 diagnostic to a 158. I am registered to take the October ... LSAT and so I have ... I take 2 practice tests a week and drill my weaknesses canI ... do it? I have a job and so I only have time to ...
... to move my test to November but another part of me thinks I ... my anxiety. If Ican see my score, I'm thinking of registering ... then deciding whether or not I want to write it after viewing ... my score. Otherwise I might just move it to November. Help.
... and timed reading sections I am running out of ... and getting -7 to -10 wrong. I definitely think that it ... a timing issue because I have done 2 untimed ... 1 and -2. I am hoping to get down to -5 or less ... the November test. What canI do to improve my timing? Any ...
... my first LSAT in January. CanI send in my applications without ... the LSAT score? I see that there is an ... on the apps to put when you plan to take the LSAT ... . Is there a benefit/negative to sending in your application without ...
... able to dedicate as much time as I would like. I am aiming to get ... above a 170+. I ... on my PTS. Should I wait to take the LSAT in August ... cusp of getting where I want to be and I have three more ...
I've been studying for almost ... (not much different in RC...)
in the beginning I used to get ... below -10
some times I got around -5 but those ... -star difficulty...
feel like I'm spending my time and ...
Hi everyone, I am going back to school next week. I will also ... ) and apply to law school in 2024. What canI do to not lose ... everything I have worked so ... now until winter break when Ican begin to study again?
I had planned to study for ... would need to be updated again when I apply (Which I think most ... the next depending on when Ican manage a good LSAT score ... to ask my boss to update and resend the letter to LSAC - Although I ...
... Oct LSAT but before that I wanted to make sure. My question ... LSAT in January 2022, when canI take my 6th LSAT after ... 2027?
Also, if I decide to take my 5th LSAT later ... really frustrating to accept the bad choices I made but I am really ...
... so tired. I feel like I have made so much progress in terms ... this. What canI do to make sure I am able to score this on ... feels like the most. How should I be studying or drilling on ... taking a PT? Should I go back to fundamentals, drill a question ...
I'm working through some ... my wrong answers, but can't seem to find video explanations for ... Any ideas on where Ican find them? I looked under the explanation ... videos tab and was able to ... the other PT videos I'm looking for :\
... been feeling very stressed. I wanted to matriculate in law school ... if I should withdraw the exam until I feel prepared. I want to ... year would be better to matriculate in. II'm in the ... is confusing. I want to know if Ican skip to reading comprehension then ...
Hello all! Why is the game time tracking always stopping whenever Im moving onto another question? I have to manually click "continue game time tracking" Its not allowing me to see how long Im taking on each game accurately
... and just reminded me of how disappointed I was with my studying ... 's still so much that I need to learn and I still struggle at ... you tried, at least you can say that you did and ...
... trying to interact with the site I get the above error message. HowcanI ... resolve this issue? If not, what steps canI take to receive ... a refund, as Ican't use my ...
... , to submit my recommender information via the LSAC website? Or canI submit ... sooner than that? To specify, I mean when you ... gets sent to them where they can submit their letters? I just don ...
studying since may, hovering around 170-72 with blind review and 165-69 before. can comfortably finish a section in about 38-42 minutes and i am taking the september lsat.