I'm loving the video clips of J.Y doing the LR sections as creepy as that sounds. Gives me a better sense of howmuch he diagrams and thinks about particular questions in real time. Nice job.
... 't my opinion as to how it should be, nor is ... the market today. No matter how you look at it, debt ... schools you are considering is, "howmuch job placement support do you ...
Damn, this is a good idea...I was just thinking howmuch cooler 7sage would be if they had campus reps (unpaid, who like interned for them)...it would be easier to get people together and so on..
Willing to buy a 180 watch. Please let me know if you have one and howmuch $ you are looking for at richadhirani@hotmail.com. Conversely, if you leave your e-mail here, I'd be happy to e-mail you.
Congrats! It really comes down to your estimated potential. If you were at a plateau for awhile and feel "maxed out," then it's probably a good idea to not chance going down in score.
Howmuch room do you feel you have left to improve?