Hey guys,
I'm confused about howto deal with the analogous questions in RC. This type of questions spent me lots of time, but still be wrong. Is there any tips or approach?
I am an ultimate+ user, but I cannot figure out howto print out PT 1-35. I want to practice writing on RC and LG. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.
... advised tonot repeat things on my resume and I'm not ... that your resume is just to briefly describe what you ... restaurant....one would probably expect to read "flipping burgers" repeated ... the importance of trying to rephrase that to ..."rotating" burgers or ...
... a template, guide, or how-to on howto approach withdrawing from the other ... law schools I have applied to ... />
Also, do I have to withdraw all of my other ...
Hey everyone! Quick question, how do I pin an ... , I have the option to pin individual questions for the ... I can't seem to figure out howto pin the entire game ... . I want the entire game to ... when I make problem sets to drill. Thank you in ...
... been using the question bank to redo logic games. However, ... 't seem to able to change.
How do you ...
Also, does anyone know howto edit a set once it ... every time I've wanted to make an edit, I' ... ve had to remake the entire set from ...
... anyone has any advice on howto divvy up the study time ... designated to each section. I tried dedicating ... a set amount of time to studying one section. For example ...
... sub questions. I average -0 to -3, but when I miss ... , they are almost always due to a careless mistake. For instance ... someone offer good advice on howto stop making careless errors in ...
... group of motivated studiers to BR one PT/week over the ... summer.
Anyone who wants to ... this link -- no need to message me directly or post ... PTs, and I want to get serious with a group ... 's the only way to make sure my performance ...
I'm currently registered for the July LSAT-Flex. Can someone tell me if I'm supposed to wait for an email from LSAC that will direct me on howto register for a ProctorU account, or am I supposed to go ahead and make one myself? Thanks much in advance!
I've noticed that I do much better on the first two sections and much poorly on the last two, regardless of the category. Any tips on howto stay focused?
... anyone know howto set the problem set timer to 35 minutes? I ... don't want to see my time going from ... 0:00 to 35:00 so the unlimited ... , I want to have the timing set to 35 minutes to 0 rather ...
I feel like my accuracy is pretty good on LR, but does anyone have any advice on howto get through the section in a more timely manner? Strategies? Shortcuts?
Any ideas on howto take the test in a ... 7Sage doesn't allow you to only take the 3 sections ... in August and really want to practice with the closest version ...
... currently at a loss about howto explain what the LSAT is ... to someone who has never heard ... about it. I am trying to take less shifts at work ... I just don't know howto explain hahaha.
Hi this is a really silly question: I can't figure out howto highlight or underline text when solving questions through the question bank/ PTs. I've tried all the buttons that are around the question page, but none seem to trigger a highlighting feature??
... ; both majors are unique to my undergraduate institution. One ... other one is akin to Human Resources Management or Corporate ... down because it is close to my business-y major. ... and I was going to put my honors interdisciplinary ... I am lost on howto proceed.
Hello, in the RC section I struggle a lot with finding the main point of the passage. Does anyone have any strategy for howto quickly figure out the main point of a RC passage?
No matter what problem set, I always miss the high priority questions. I can't figure out howto isolate those so I can practice them. Does anyone know how?