... great advice. Untimed deep review of the questions and the ... helpful. I did a review of the missed questions in ... and this understanding increased my blindreviewscore. However, I notice that ... advice on how to apply blindreview-level understanding on timed ...
... back I was in a blindreview with the man himself, Mr ... becomes much tougher and the potential gains from being an ... to find what COULD BE TRUE EXCEPT. Then immediately you ... already reaching your target score, do not change anything. This is primarily for ...
I understand that your BR scoreis relative to your abilities in answering the questions ... assume that it is possible to actually reach your BR score while under ... recent PT score (first PT since the diagnostic) was 151, blindreviewis 172 ...
... % sure that this was true in my case and by ... now and rested and your stomach is full and you're ... think that this is how you maximize your mental capacity and ... contributes to an outcome (your highest possible score), it doesn't mean ... 's messin with our potential.
... my BR scoreis consistently near-perfect, but my regular scoreis much ... I'm asking is, how valuable is the BR score in terms ... Does it actually indicate my potential? I would be super happy ... here, so I would appreciate your brutally honest responses.
... and you do your work. Otherwise, your boss won’t ... hours, the rest of your day is yours to do as ... had a practice test or blindreview, that would also count ... or lose it. This is also true of the hours and ...
... you are scoring in your highest score band - which with ... PT's usually is not indicative of scorepotential. If you are ... 's under true timed conditions, did a thorough blindreview of the ... that you could to achieve your optimum score!
Very true. But that is even more of a ... , because that is what you scored on yourblindreview. That isyour actual potential. Don't ... and wait until your PT score matches what you know your capable of?
... by a low score, you're just starting! BlindReview (BR) = actual ... this is that yourBlindReviewis in the 160's! This untimed review represents your ... TYPE (ie. is it asking what Must Be True, or Could ... a prediction of a potential answer choice that would ...
... see a huge increase in your LR score a day after you ... you drill, drill, drill and blindreviewis key right? I read through ... far I feel like 7sage is so much better.
I earned my highest score to date and thus far ... prove to myself that this score was not lucky. I have ... matches the right AC. This is what BlindReview has taught me. score that I received, but in ... I absolutely deserved that score.
... , and then a 168. My Blindreview was also great, somewhere in ... , I was happy with my score and feeling confident for the ... is slightly shaken after 2 disappointing tests. I really want to score ... />
My game plan now is to review today and tomorrow any patterns ...
... taking PT’s, then, in yourreview, review carefully whether you were able ... position if you’ve anticipated potential issues, have the right mindset ... are in a very high score range, is to artificially limit the ...
... 't good enough. It's true, you cannot cram for the ... done your prep tests, you know what you're likely to score ... ! Who knows what I'll score on the actual test. My ... main issue is timing. The LG section kills me. Without blindreview I ...
... 162 in June. The score I received in June isn ... why she can't score well on this test ... it to be true. I think this is when I probably ... testament to how important your mental state is for the LSAT. ... the next few months is simple: PT and blindreview. And hey, ...
... (implicating that your reading comp scoreis what it is). That being ... lower than my average score. So although I was ... short my fear came true and I was not ... test to accept a score that is as low as ... and tried my best to blindreview exactly as you instructed. ...
... which is my 2nd choice and they said if they reviewyour application ... before the Feb LSAT scoreis released, they will not re-review ... it after the new score ...
... were) I saw my score hovering somewhere between 144 ... My goal was to score 160+ using their methods ...
Honestly, just the BlindReview has helped me more than ... is not a good time to be in a score ... />
I appreciate your good thoughts and listening to ...
... also during blindreview. I keep choosing C, although the answer is B ... />
(paraphrased stimulus)
Legislator: Your agency is responsible for regulating an industry ... just not sure why C is wrong.
... score). This is a significant 6 point increase over my best previous blindreview ... next PT. Is the BR indicative of my potential? How can ... be extremely beneficial --including your own personal study plan ... PT and especially your study plans after your worst PT.< ...
... for anyone who is trying to score above a 165. ... a week, with extensive blindreview sessions and endless hours of ... was barely increasing my score and all my friends ... ( my June 2016 LSAT Score). I was really happy ... and start giving it your all and come out ...
... it is of intelligence, and that strikes me as true in ... physical) fatigue is a real barrier to performing your best on ... time why it was necessary. BlindReview, Foolproofing games, and the focus ... every single variable that determines yourscore on test day, so ...
... />
I know Blind reviewing is usually done before one looks ... my past mistakes. My LR score has for sometime hit a ... to improve (granted I also blindreview in the normal sense where ... AC).
... the test, 4 hours to blindreview the entire test, 4 hours ... .
Man this is tough. I was wondering if ... even have to blindreview anymore (they just did the blindreview during within ... I can reach my goal score within that target period. I ...
How is understanding the logic behind why ... future exams, hence get better. Is this process subconsciously training my ... BR process to a solid score, did you just passively begin ... the more and more you blind reviewed your tests over time, or ...
... of discussion on if this is a good thing or not ... PTs because it might mask your real potential or make you look ... importance of BlindReview in order to really increase my potential and see ... on a PT, is it worth truly blind reviewing those if all ...